Friday, 16 February 2018

무료 외환 가격 액션 코스

귀하의 외환 거래를 마스터하십시오.

내 최신 주간 뉴스 레터에 가입하여 최신 가격 액션 분석 및 거래 팁을 얻으십시오. 트레이딩 심리학을 마스터하고, 자신감을 키우며, 나와 거래를하십시오. 무엇을 기다리고 있니?

Price Action을 사용하여 Forex를 배울 준비가 되셨습니까?

아래의 간단한 네 단계를 따르십시오.

1 단계 : 기본 사항.

Forex Education Academy는 학습 과정의 첫 단계입니다. 다른 사람들과 달리 쓸모없는 Forex 기초로 시간을 낭비하지 않으며, 나는 단지 당신에게 알아야 할 것을 가르쳐줍니다.

2 단계 : 거래 계획.

라이브 거래를 시작하기 전에 좋은 중개인과 좋은 거래 계획이 필요합니다. 무료 비디오 코스에서는 올바른 브로커를 찾는 방법과 확실한 거래 및 자금 관리 계획을 세우는 방법을 가르쳐드립니다.

3 단계 : 거래 전략.

내 가격 액션 거래 전략은 당신에게 고급 가격 액션 기술을 가르쳐 줄 것입니다. 위에서 말했듯이, 나는 새로운 상인이 가격 행동을 지배해야한다고 믿습니다. 그래서 나는 당신과 전략을 공유합니다.

4 단계 : Forex 블로그.

강력한 가격 액션 분석, 기록 된 Forex 웹 세미나, 트레이딩 심리 및 팁 20 시간 이상. 당신은 내 외환 블로그에 그 모든 것을 발견 할 것입니다. 나는 8 년 동안 블로깅을 해왔다.

이번 주에 Price Action 트레이드를 나에게 가져 가라.

매주 화요일, 수요일, 목요일에 나는 비디오 가격 행동 분석을 할 것이다.

Forex Guy의 Price Action Trading Blog에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

들러 주셔서 고마워요, 여기에 가격 행동 전략, 스윙 거래 및 브레이크 아웃 거래에 대한 모든 지식을 찾을 수 있습니다. 오, 그리고 Metatrader 4를위한 멋진 것들!

4 미친 가격 액션 귀하의 거래를 진지하게 향상시킬 Forex 팁!

업데이트 : 2017 년 11 월 8 일

가격 차트를 열어 자신의 자신감을 갖고 단기간 가격 행동을 예측할 수 있기를 원하십니까? 모든 상인은 굉장한 것을 원합니다 [& hellip;]

초보자를위한 나의 3 가지 최고의 외환 거래 전략!

게시 날짜 : 2017 년 9 월 20 일

이 페이지에서 & nbsp; 자신을 발견했다면 & # 8211; 나는 당신이 Forex 거래에 대해 매우 열정적이라고 생각하고 그것으로 멀리 가고 싶습니다. 슬픈 진실은 [& hellip;]입니다.

Price Action Trading이란 무엇입니까? 외환 거래자를위한 나의 중요한 가이드.

업데이트 : 2017 년 9 월 21 일

오래 전, 기술 분석 & # 8211; 같은 가격 행동, 점성술, 손바닥 독서와 행운의 쿠키와 같은 양동이에 넣어되었습니다. 아무도 실제로 거기에 어떤 [& hellip;]가 있다고 생각하지 않았습니다.

Metatrader 4 사용자 정의 차트 템플릿을 만드는 방법.

업데이트 : 2017 년 6 월 28 일

처음 MT4를로드하고 첫 번째 차트를 열면 & # 8221; 아이콘 & 녹색 & amp; 검은 색 & # 8217; 테마 색은 당신을 싫증나게 할 수 있습니다. 않는 한 물론 [& hellip;]

Metatrader 4 (MT4)에 사용자 정의 지표를 설치하는 방법

업데이트 : 2017 년 9 월 21 일

Metatrader 4는 이미 표준으로 포장 된 상태로 제공되지만, MT4 표시기 & # 8211; 상인과 개발자는 많은 [& hellip;]에 대한 자신 만의 맞춤형 지표를 만들 수있었습니다.

Forex 마약 중독자 & amp; 가격 행동 거래 전문가!

여기에 내 지식을 공유하고 있습니다. 스윙 거래 및 브레이크 아웃 거래에 중점을 둔 기술 전략에 대한 경험이 풍부합니다.

나는 또한 거래 심리학, 그리고 나의 새로운 연구 영역 인 데이터 마이닝 & amp; 정량 분석.

Nial Fuller의 Forex Trading Course.

크리스마스 스페셜 : 45 % 할인 (186 달러 할인) & # 8211; 12 월 31 일에 끝납니다.

Nial Fuller & nbsp; Professional Trading Course & amp;

매일 무역 설정 뉴스 레터.

간단한 가격 액션 거래 접근법 알아보기 & amp;

극적으로 당신의 무역 결과를 개량하십시오 & # 8230;

평생 동안 접근하십시오 : 전문 트레이딩 코스, 비디오 자습서,

무역 설정 뉴스 레터, 라이브 무역 설정 포럼 & amp; 지원하다.

Nial Fuller 정보.

Nial Fuller는 높이 평가 된 상인이며 저자 & amp; 16 세 이상의 코치는 금융 시장 거래 경험이 있습니다. 2008 년부터 2 만 명이 넘는 학생들을 가르치고, 2,000 개 이상의 게시물을 작성하고 3 개의 코스를 제작했습니다.

그는 많은 사람들이 가격 행동 거래에 대해 '당국'으로 인정합니다.

2016 년 Nial은 백만 달러짜리 상인 경쟁에서 369 %의 수익을 기록했습니다.

Nial은 LeapRate, Investing, FX Street, MoneyShow, TheStreet, Finance Magnates 등을 비롯하여 잘 알려진 금융 출판물에 정기적으로 기여합니다.

Nial Fuller와의 인터뷰보기 (2008 년부터)

내가 처음으로 트레이딩 경력을 시작했다면, Nial이 내가 안내하고 나를 올바른 길로 인도 할 첫 번째 사람이 될 것입니다.

나이지리아는 일관된 장기적인 성공을 꿈꾸는 열망하는 상인들에게 제공해야 할 모든 것을 강력히지지합니다. "

코스 가입 및 혜택 회원 영역.

엔드 - 오브 - 데이 트레이딩 접근법은 현재의 스케줄을 중심으로 트레이딩에 적합합니다. 'Set and forget'거래 접근법은 인적 오류의 잠재 성을 제거 할뿐만 아니라 시장에서 큰 움직임을 포착 할 수있게합니다. 컴퓨터. 고급 가격 액션 거래 전략은 시장 역학에 대한 이해를 획기적으로 향상시키고 전문 거래의 실제 세계에 눈을 뜨게합니다. 당신이 당신의 무역 여정에 상관없이; 초보자 또는 경험 많은 베테랑 인 경우 가격 행동 교육을 통해 차트를 읽고 거래 할 수있는 능력을 크게 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 다른 것은 필요하지 않습니다. 이것은 오늘날의 시장을 다루기위한 완벽한 독립형 무역 교육입니다.

여기에 회원들이 얻는 것 & # 8230;

Nial의 Price Action Trading Mastery 과정 (2 판)

내 전문 외환 거래 과정은 3 단계의 고급 교육 과정으로 모든 높은 확률 가격 액션 거래 전략을 가르쳐줍니다. 이들은 은행, 소품 회사 및 헤지 펀드와 같은 전문 상인이 일상 거래 활동에서 전 세계적으로 사용하는 것과 동일한 강력한 거래 방법입니다. 어떤 정보도 되돌려지지 않았기 때문에 거래에 관한 나의 지식은 모두 포함되었습니다. 모든 전략, 아이디어 및 모든 경험을 공유합니다.

코스는 또한 돈 관리, 트레이딩 심리 & amp; 무역 계획 개발. 모든 강의는 온라인이며 24 시간 연중 무휴로 운영됩니다. 나는 당신이 가능한 한 효율적으로 배우기 위해 따라갈 단계별 시스템으로 모든 것을 계획했습니다. 도움이나 도움이 필요한 경우 무료 지원 전화를 제공합니다.

매일 무역 설정 뉴스 레터.

매일 아침 Daily Video Trade Setup Newsletter를 게시합니다. 주요 통화 쌍, 상품 및 주식 지수를 포함하여 적어도 5 개의 다른 시장에 대한 가격 행동 무역 설정, 차트 분석 및 논평에 대해 논의합니다. 관련 가격 조치 설정, 주요 차트 수준 및 추세 편향에 대한 내 전문가 분석을 얻을 수 있습니다. 제 학생들 중 많은 사람들이 회원들의 시장 논평만으로도 회원 가입의 가치가 있다고 느낍니다.

회원 트레이딩 비디오 & amp; 조항.

회원 지역에는 교육 비디오, 기사 및 강좌가 들어있는 대형 도서관이 있습니다. 도서관 콘텐츠에는 실시간 거래 설정, 거래 내역, 최신 동향 등이 포함됩니다. 교과서 자료에 대한 정기 업데이트뿐 아니라이 회원 교육 라이브러리에 정기적으로 추가 할 것을 기대할 수 있습니다.

다음은 무역 설정의 예입니다.

라이브 무역 설정 포럼.

라이브 거래 설정 토론 포럼은 Nial Fuller, Coaches 및 LTTTM 회원이 잠재적 라이브 거래 설정에 대한 의견을 게시하는 곳입니다. 또한 가격 행동 전략, Forex 거래 과정 이론 및 기타 중요한 거래 주제에 대해서도 논의합니다. 라이브 거래 설정 토론 포럼에는 각 통화 쌍, 상품 또는 색인에 대한 특정 스레드가 있습니다.

코칭 & amp; 지원 라인.

저의 트레이딩 코스 나 트레이딩 전략에 관한 질문이나 우려가있을 때마다 저에게 연락 할 수있는 회원 전용 전자 메일 지원 라인을 제공합니다. 나는 보통 12 시간 안에 모든 회원 질문에 응답 할 것입니다.


"나는 진심으로 감사의 말을 전하고 싶다. 그리고 당신의 교재가 내 시장 전체에 대한 인식을 완전히 바꿔 놓았다. 추신 귀하의 코스를 판매하는 것이 나의 비즈니스 일 수는 없지만 귀하의 자료가 훨씬 더 가치가 있다고 믿습니다! 감사합니다. 그리고 최선을 다하십시오. "

"Nial, 6 개월 전에 가입 한 후, 나는 이것이 내가 지금까지 보냈던 350 달러 중 최고 였다고했다. 나는 그 주석을지지한다. 귀하의 멘토링 및 교육 역량은 엄청나고 가치가 있습니다. "

며칠 전 귀하의 코스를 구매 한 후, 나는 귀하의 사이트를 둘러 보았고 회원 시장 요약 섹션이 귀중한 교육 도구임을 알게되었습니다. 메이저 페어의 스크린 샷과 명확한 설명은 회원 비용만으로 충분합니다. 매일 귀하의 품질, 심층 시장 요약을 읽을 수 있기를 기대합니다. 앞으로도 힘써주세요!"

평생 접근하기 & # 8211; 진행중인 수수료 없음!

나는이 거래 과정과 공동체가 외환과 무역 가격 행동을 성공적으로 거래하는 것을 배우는 진정한 열정을 가진 모든 사람들에게 접근 할 수 있도록 만들고있다. 가격은 매우 저렴합니다. 숨겨진 비용과 지속적인 수수료가 없음을 기억하십시오. 평생 액세스에 대한 일회성 회비입니다.

'일회성 비용'& # 8217; & nbsp; 평생 동안의 액세스 & # 8217; 에:

& # 8211; Nial Fuller의 전문 트레이딩 코스.

& # 8211; 매일 무역 설정 뉴스 레터.

& # 8211; 라이브 거래 포럼 & amp; 회원 커뮤니티.

크리스마스 스페셜 :

평생 사용 시간 45 % 할인 & # 8211; 12 월 31 일에 끝납니다.

239 달러 425 달러 (186 달러 절약)

중요 사항 : 귀하의 로그인 정보는 즉시 상세하게 작성됩니다.

면책 조항 :이 웹 사이트의 조언이나 정보는 일반적인 조언 일뿐입니다. 귀하의 개인적인 상황을 고려하지 않았으므로이 정보만을 토대로 거래하거나 투자하지 마십시오. 어떤 자료를 보거나이 사이트 내의 정보를 사용함으로써 귀하는 이것이 일반 교육 자료임을 인정하며 여기에 제공된 컨텐츠 또는 일반적인 조언으로 인해 발생하는 손실이나 손해에 책임이있는 사람이나 단체를 보유하지 않을 것입니다. Learn To Trade The Market Pty Ltd 직원, 이사 또는 동료 회원입니다. 선물, 옵션 및 현물환 거래는 잠재적 보상이 크지 만 잠재 위험도 크다. 선물 및 옵션 시장에 투자하기 위해서는 위험을 인식하고이를 수락해야합니다. 잃을 여유가없는 돈으로 거래하지 마십시오. 이 웹 사이트는 선물, 선물 forex, cfd 's, 옵션 또는 기타 금융 상품의 매매 / 매도 권유가 아닙니다. 이 웹 사이트의 어떤 내용에서 논의 된 것과 유사한 이익 또는 손실을 가져올 가능성이 있거나 그렇게 할 가능성이있는 진술은 없습니다. 모든 거래 시스템 또는 방법론의 과거 실적이 반드시 미래 결과를 나타내는 것은 아닙니다.

위험도가 높은 경고 : 외환, 선물 및 옵션 거래는 잠재적 인 보상이 크지 만 잠재 위험도 크다. 높은 레버리지는 당신뿐만 아니라 당신을 도울 수 있습니다. 당신은 외환, 선물 및 옵션에 투자하는 위험을 인식하고 이러한 시장에서 거래하기 위해 기꺼이 받아 들여야합니다. Forex 거래는 손실 위험이 상당하며 모든 투자자에게 적합하지 않습니다. 차용 한 돈이나 잃을 돈이없는 돈으로 거래하지 마십시오. 이 웹 사이트에 포함 된 모든 의견, 뉴스, 연구, 분석, 가격 또는 기타 정보는 일반적인 시장 논평으로 제공되며 투자 자문을 구성하지 않습니다. 우리는 그러한 정보의 사용 또는 의존으로 인해 직접 또는 간접적으로 발생할 수있는 이익 손실을 포함하여 어떠한 손실이나 손해에 대해서도 책임을지지 않습니다. 거래 시스템이나 방법론의 과거 실적이 반드시 미래 결과를 나타내는 것은 아님을 기억하십시오.

Market Pty Ltd 거래에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오 FXRENEW Pty Ltd (CAR 번호 000400713)의 공인 대리인

가격 액션 트레이딩 코스.

가격 액션 트레이딩에 대해 배우고 싶다면이 외환 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스가 정말 도움이 될 것입니다.

이 코스에서 가격 행동과 거래하는 방법에 대한 실용적인 거래 팁 및 사례가 많이 있으며 그 끝 부분에는 실제로 이해 관계가 있으며 더 나은 가격 액션 거래자가되기를 바랍니다.

나는이 가격 액션 트레이딩 과정이 상당히 길다는 것을 경고해야하지만, 많은 사람들에게 커피 한 잔이 필요하지만 지루하지는 않다.

그건 내 보증이야! 당신이 지루하다고 생각하면 알려주고 그것을 편집하기 위해 코미디언을 고용 할 것입니다 :-).

이 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스가 다루는 주제에 대한 아이디어를 얻으려면 위의 목차를 스크롤하십시오.

이 목차에서 관심있는 주제 나 장을 본다면이 링크를 클릭하면이 과정의 모든 내용을 스크롤하거나 읽지 않고 즉시 장 / 주제로 이동하게됩니다.

가격 액션 트레이딩 코스를 거친 후 다음이 필요합니다.


너의 부자를 위해 너의 $ 500을 지키 & & # 8216; Cuz & # 8217; 이 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스는 무료입니다!

진지하게 신사 숙녀 여러분, 나의 상인 친구와 충실한 forextradingstrategies4u 팬들, 가격 액션 거래 과정을 판매하고 외환 웹 사이트가 무엇입니까?

주머니에서 $ 100- $ 500 이상 나가실 수 있습니다.

가격 액션 거래 과정에 대한 빠른 Google 검색을 수행하면 다음과 같이 볼 수 있습니다 (처음에 내가 본 첫 번째 항목을 선택했습니다).

# 1 : 나일 풀러 (Nial Fuller)의 learntotraderthemarket에 대한 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스는 현재 249 달러에 판매됩니다.

# 2 : 크리스 카프레 (Chris Capre)의 2ndskiesforex의 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스는 아래에서 볼 수 있듯이 315 달러에 팔립니다.

# 3 : 그리고 여기 알 브룩스 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스는 $ 249에 판매되는 브로드밴드 코스입니다 :

그래서 두 가지 선택이 있습니다.

당신은 그 외환 가격 행동 거래 과정을 살 수 있습니다. (돈을 가지고 있다면 당신이 원하는 것을 얻고, 계속 진행하면 좋은 거래 자원이됩니다. . 또는 당신이 똑똑하다면 (내가 그 사실을 상기시켜야합니까?) 내가 여기있는 무료 액션 트레이닝 코스를 읽을 수 있습니다. 그리고 감사의 수단으로서의 유일한 요구는 당신이 좋아하고, 공유하고, 짹짹고 언급 할 수 있다는 것입니다. 당신이 그렇게 할 기회가 있다면이 가격 행동 과정. 그건 내가 묻는 전부다.

질문을해야합니다 : 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스는 가격 액션 거래에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것을 다루고 있습니까?

귀하의 질문에 대한 답변을 얻기 위해 귀하의 질문에 답변을하기 전에 귀하에게 질문을해야합니다. & # 8230;

자동차 작동 방식, 엔진 작동 방식, 바퀴 회전 속도, 기어 변경 방법, 브레이크 작동 방식 등을 모두 알고 있어야합니다. 운전하기 전에 또는 부랑자를 자동차 좌석에 넣고 운전하는 법을 알아야합니까?

따라서이 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스는 이와 유사합니다. 단지 당신이 알아야 할 것을 알려주고 아래의 목차를보고이 가격 액션 트레이닝 코스가 다루는 주제의 범위를 살펴보십시오.

보시다시피, 가격 액션 거래에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것을 제공하는 상당히 종합적이고 상세한 가격 액션 거래 코스입니다.

이제 Price Action Trading Course의 1 장을 보겠습니다. & # 8230;

가격 행동 무역 과정 제 1 장 : 가격 조치에 대한 소개.

가격 행동을 실제로 이해한다는 것은 과거에 일어난 일을 연구해야한다는 것을 의미합니다. 그런 다음 현재 상황을 관찰하고 시장이 다음에 어디로 갈지 예측하십시오.

"당신이 생각할 수있는 것과 상관없이 모든 상인은 기상 예보관과 마찬가지입니다."

일기 예보관은 바람이 불고있는 곳을 알고 토지 위를 형성하는 고압 및 저압 시스템을보고 온도 변화, 냉혹 한 전선, 뜨거운 정면을 알고 있습니다 ... 내가 무슨 말을하는지 알지?

그럼 그는 무엇을하나요? 그는 "내일, Edinburg의 날씨는 대부분 흐리고, 약간의 샤워 기회와 오후에는 맑은 날씨가 될 것입니다."라고 말합니다.

그걸 어떻게 알았지?

과거 데이터를 연구하고 현재 날씨 상황을보고있는 순간 (요즘은 컴퓨터 모델 및 우주에서의 기상 위성으로 인해 예측이 더욱 안정적입니다.)

그래서 상인들은 ...

우리가 잘못된 방향을 잡으면, 우리는 돈을 잃고, 우리는 그것을 바로 얻습니다, 우리는 돈을 벌 것입니다. 그처럼 간단합니다. 따라서 여기서 읽으려는 모든 내용은 거래를하기 전에 바로 그 방향을 찾으려는 것입니다.

시작하기 전에 발생할 수있는 몇 가지 단어가 있습니다.

완고한 = 시장이 올라간다면, 그것은 완고한 (상승 추세)이라고합니다.

곰 같은 = 시장이 무너지면 약세라고합니다.

곰 같은 촛대 = 높게 열린 닫힌 낮은 촛대는 곰 같다고합니다.

완고한 촛대 = 낮게 열었고 닫힌 높은 촛대는 낙관적 인 촛대라고합니다.

위험 : 보상 비율 = 무역에서 $ 50를 지불하면 위험이 150 달러가됩니다. 보상은 1 : 3이며 이는 단순히 위험을 감수 한 금액의 3 배를 의미합니다. 이것은 위험의 한 예입니다 : 보상 비율.

이제 가격 액션 트레이딩 코스의 다음 장에서는 가격 액션이 무엇인지 배우게 될 것입니다.

가격 행동 트레이딩 코스 제 2 장 : 프라이스 액션 트레이딩이란 무엇입니까?

이것은 가격 행동 거래의 기본 정의입니다.

거래자는 한 번 형성된 반복되는 가격 패턴을 기반으로 거래 의사 결정을 내릴 때 시장이 움직일 가능성이 가장 높은 방향을 상인에게 알려줍니다.

가격 행동 거래는 차트 패턴, 촛대 패턴, 추세선, 가격 밴드, 상승 및 하강 등 시장 스윙 구조, 지원 및 저항 수준, 통합, 피보나치 회귀 수준, 피벗 등과 같은 도구를 사용합니다.

일반적으로 가격 행동 거래자는 시장을 움직이는 기본 요소 인 기본 분석을 무시하는 경향이 있습니다. 왜? 그들은 모든 것이 시장 가격으로 이미 할인되어 있다고 믿기 때문에.

그러나 금리 결정, 비농업 임금, FOMC 등과 같은 주요 경제 뉴스 발표 (통화 뉴스 거래에 관심이 있다면이 뉴스 거래 전략을 확인하십시오 : 금리 뉴스 외환 무역 전략, Non Farm Payroll 외환 거래 전략 및 1 분 외환 뉴스 거래 전략)

내 자신의 경험과 내가 본 것에서, 나는 "경제 뉴스의 공개는 귀하의 거래에 대한 친구이자적일 수있다"고 말했습니다.

다음은 그 의미입니다.

경제 보도 자료의 결과와 일치하는 무역을했다면 매우 짧은 시간에 훨씬 더 많은 돈을 벌기 위해 서 있습니다. 왜냐하면 뉴스의 공개는 종종 증가한 가격 때문에 위 또는 아래로 가격을 매우 빠르게 움직이는 경향이 있기 때문입니다 휘발성. 그러나 귀하의 거래가 뉴스에 맞지 않는다면, 귀하는 모든 이익이 사라지거나 잃어 버릴 수 있으며 손실은 엄청날 수 있습니다. 그 기간 동안 시장이 너무 빨리 움직일 수 있기 때문에 귀하의 손실을 유발할 수없는 기회이기도합니다.

아래의 차트와 주요 외환 근본적인 뉴스 릴리스가 발생할 수있는 예를 보여줍니다 :

이것은 결코 잊지 못할 경험입니다. 나는 완벽한 가격 액션 설정을 교환했지만, 예상했던대로 거래가 진행되었지만 몇 분 후 시장은 매우 빨리 하락했다.

내 정지 손실은 내가 처음에 설정 한 가격 수준에서 결코 발생하지 않았습니다.

내가 할 수있는 한 그 거래를 여러 번 끝내려고했으나 그 가격은 내 손해액이 있던 곳 아래로 내려 갔기 때문에 닫을 수 없었다! 가격이 나의 막달 손실을 뛰어 넘었습니다.

나는 그곳에 서서 무기력하게 지켜 보았다. 영원과 같았던 것 이후, 무역은 브로커에 의해 가능한 한 최악의 가격으로 아래로 내려갔습니다.

그 단일 거래로 내 거래 계좌가 거의 사라졌습니다. 나의 거래 계좌의 2 %를 잃는 대신, 나는 그것의 거의 절반을 잃어 버렸다. 나는 그날 밤 무슨 일이 일어 났는지 이해하지 못하고 시장이 그렇게 움직 이도록 만들지 않았다. 나는 그날 밤 잠을 잘 수 없었다.

나중에 나는 그것이 시장을 움직이는 주요 경제 보도 였음을 알게되었다.

그 사건에서, 나는 내 교훈을 배웠다. 그래서 나는 무역을하기 전에 forex 공장 달력을 통해 거래를하기 전에 영향력있는 뉴스가 나오는지 확인한다.

유효한 거래 설정이 있지만 발표 할 주요 뉴스에 가까운 시간이 표시되면 입력하지 않겠습니다. 중요한지지 또는 저항 수준의 배후에 나의 막판 손실을 둘 수 있다는 것을 알면 나는 무역을 할 예외가 있습니다.

영향력이 큰 뉴스는 빨간색으로 색상이 지정됩니다. 그게 당신이 찾는 것입니다 (아래 그림 참조) :

다음은 할 수있는 일입니다.

유효한 거래 설정이 발생하면 forexfactory를 확인하여 거래에 영향을 줄 수있는 주요 뉴스 발표가 곧 이루어지지 않도록하십시오. 공개 될 뉴스가 있다면 다음 두 가지를 할 수 있습니다 : 보도 자료가 발표 될 때까지 거래하지 말고 시장이 정상적으로 다시 시작될 때까지 기다리십시오. 또는 거래를 결정하면 소액 계약을 거래 할 수 있습니다. 공개되었다. 이것은 당신이나 당신에게 효과적입니다. 이 시간 동안 무엇을하고 있는지 알아야합니다. 언젠가 뉴스 릴리스 시점 이전에 이미 영업 중이고 이익을 얻고 있다면 뉴스가 공개되면 시장이 당신을 반대하는 경우에 대비하여 중단 손실을 더 엄격하게 움직이거나 그 이익을 취하는 것에 대해 생각하십시오 . 이상적인 경우에, 당신은이 무역을 얼마 전에 취했을 것이고, 현재 시장 가격은 당신의 무역 진입 가격과는 거리가 멀고 이미 이익을 잠 갔을 것이고, 시장이 당신의 무역 방향으로 뉴스 풀어 놓으면 많은 돈을 벌 수 있습니다.

3 가지 중요한 이유 당신은 왜 거래 가격 거래가되어야합니다.

가격 행동은 집단적 인간 행동을 나타냅니다. 시장에서의 인간 행동은 차트에 특정 패턴을 만듭니다. 따라서 가격 행동 거래는 실제로 그러한 패턴을 사용하는 시장의 심리를 이해하는 데 있습니다. 그래서 가격 조회가 지원 수준을보고 다시 반송됩니다. 그래서 가격 히트 저항 수준을보고 머리를 숙이는 이유입니다. 왜? 집단적 인간 반응 때문에! 가격 행동은 외환 시장에 구조를 제공합니다. 시장이 다음에 어디로 가는지 정확히 100 % 예측할 수는 없습니다. 그러나 가격 행동으로 시장이 잠재적으로 어디로 갈 수 있는지 예측할 수 있습니다. 이것은 가격 행동이 구조를 가져 오기 때문입니다. 따라서 구조를 아는 경우 불확실성을 어느 정도 줄이고 시장이 다음 단계로 나아갈지를 어느 정도 확신 할 수 있습니다. Price Action은 시장의 "소음"과 잘못된 신호를 줄이는 데 도움이됩니다. 확률 론적 또는 CCI 지표 등으로 거래하는 경우, 그들은 너무 많은 허위 신호를내는 경향이 있습니다. 다른 많은 지표에서도 마찬가지입니다. 가격 행동은 이러한 종류의 잘못된 신호를 줄이는 데 도움이됩니다. 가격 행동은 잘못된 신호에 대한 면역성이 없지만 다른 지표를 사용하는 것보다 훨씬 더 나은 선택입니다 ... 근본적으로 원시 가격 데이터에서 파생됩니다. 가격 행동은 또한 "소음"을 줄이는 데 도움이됩니다. 소음이란 무엇입니까? 시장 소음은 단순히 기본 추세의 그림을 왜곡시키는 모든 가격 데이터입니다 ... 이는 주로 변동성뿐 아니라 작은 가격 조정 때문입니다.

시장 소음을 최소화하는 가장 좋은 방법 중 하나는 작은 시간대에서 거래하는 대신 큰 시간대에서 거래하는 것입니다. 내가 의미하는 바를 알아 보려면 아래의 2 차트를보십시오.

그리고 지금, 4 시간 차트의 시장 소음을 비교하십시오 (차트의 흰색 상자에 주목하십시오. 이는 위의 5 분 차트의 영역과 같습니다).

작은 시간대는 지나치게 많은 소음을내는 경향이 있고 많은 거래자는 작은 시간대에서 거래를 잃어 버리게됩니다. 왜냐하면 더 큰 시간대의 큰 추세가 작은 시간대에서 실제로 일어나는 것을 이끌어 내고 있다는 것을 이해하지 못하기 때문입니다.

그러나 그렇게 말하면서, 나는 더 큰 시간대에 일어나는 거래 설정을 사용하여 더 작은 시간대에서 거래를합니다. 나는 더 나은 가격대에 들어가고 나의 정지 손실을 꼭 지키기 위해 이것을한다.

이것은 멀티 타임 프레임 트레이딩이라 불리우며, 제 16 장에서이를 다룰 것입니다.

가격 조치는 다른 어떤 시장에도 적용될 수 있습니까?

대답은 '예'입니다. 여기에 설명 된 모든 가격 액션 거래 물건은 모든 시장에 적용됩니다.

여기서 나는 주로 통화 시장에서 가격 행동을 사용하는 측면에서 이야기 할 것이지만, 언급 한 바와 같이 개념은 보편적이며 모든 금융 시장에 적용될 수 있습니다.

가격 행동 무역은 당신이 가장자리로 무역하는 것을 허용합니다.

가격 액션 트레이딩은 최첨단 거래입니다. 거래 가장자리는 무엇입니까?

음, 간단히 말하면, 승률이 좋을 때 거래가 필요하다는 뜻입니다. 같은 것들:

트렌드와의 거래 가격 액션과 거래 신뢰할 수있는 차트 패턴과 촛대 패턴을 사용합니다. 지원 및 저항 수준을 이용한 거래. 승자를 잃는 거래보다 크게 만들기 더 큰 시간대에만 거래하십시오. 적절한 거래 설정을 기다리고 거래를 추적하지 않고 참을성있게 기다리고 있습니다.

위의 모든 종류의 것들이 당신이 가장자리와 거래하는 데 도움이됩니다. 그들은 출전하지 않을지도 모르고 다 아마 당신은 이것들을 전에 들었다. 그러나 헤이. ..이 재료는 승자와 패자를 떼어 놓는 것이다.

무슨 가격 행동 무역이지 않습니다.

가격 행동 거래는 당신을 부자로 만들지 않을 것입니다. 그러나 적절한 위험 관리를 통한 가격 행동 거래는 당신을 수익성있는 상인으로 만들 수 있습니다. 여러분 중 일부는이 안내서를 읽고 많은 돈을 벌고 배우지 만 여러분 중 일부는 실패 할 것입니다. 그것은 삶의 방식입니다. 가격 행동 거래는 성배는 아니지만 다른 지표 (대부분은 종종 지연되고 어쨌든 가격 행동에서 파생됩니다!)를 사용하여 이길 수 있습니다. 가격 행동 거래는 당신에게 하룻밤 사이의 성공을 안겨줄 것입니다. 당신은 하드 야드에 넣어, 관찰하고 가격이 반응하는 방법을보고 그 반복적 인 패턴을보고 그때 당신은 그 보상을받을 것입니다 그들을 거래하는 자신감이 필요합니다.

당신이이 과정에서 배우고 당신의 forex 무역에 적용하기 위하여려고하는 그들 중 하나 인 경우에, 당신에게 나의 모자는 나가 "간다 그리고 성공한다."

차트 시간 - 중요한 이유.

Price Action을 이해하려면 차트 시간이 필요합니다. 여러분 중 일부는 이해하기가 다소 시간이 걸릴 수 있지만, 일부는 매우 빨리 배울 수 있습니다.

시장의 가격 행동을 관찰하십시오. 과거로 돌아가서 시장이 어떻게 행동했는지 살펴보십시오. 그런 식으로 행동 한 이유는 무엇입니까? 그렇게하기 전까지는 자신감있는 가격 액션 트레이더가 될 수 없습니다.

이사가 이륙하고 다시 돌아 오지 않을 정확한 시간에 입장 할 수있을만큼 차트를 읽을 수 있다면 큰 장점이 있습니다.

추세선, 특정 촛대 패턴, 특정 차트 패턴, 피보나치 회귀 계급 & amp; 지원 및 저항 수준 ... 이들은 내가 거래하는 도구입니다.

시간과 노력을 배우면 시간이 오래 걸릴 것입니다. 이해하기 시작하고 이러한 모든 것들이 어떻게 어울리는 지 보게 될 것입니다.

알몸 가격 행동을 배우기 시작합니다.

가격 행동 트레이딩 과정 제 3 장 : 트레이딩에서의 심리 이해.

가격 행동에 관한 한 가지가 있습니다 : 집단 행동이나 집단 심리를 나타냅니다.

모든 인간은 어떤면에서 특정 상황에 대응하기 위해 진화 해 왔습니다. 그리고 당신은 무역 세계에서도 이런 일이 일어나는 것을 볼 수 있습니다 :

다수의 상인이 형태 패턴을 생각하고 반응하는 방식 ... 반복적 인 가격 패턴을보고 특정 패턴이 형성되면 시장이 가장 가능성이 높은 특정 정도의 정확도로 예측할 수 있습니다.

예를 들어, 주요 저항 레벨을 보면, 가격이 레벨을 치고 곰 같은 반전 촛대 패턴 인 '유성 스타'를 형성합니다. 그러면 가격이 하락할 것이라는 큰 확신을 가지고 말할 수 있습니다.

그 저항 수준을 지켜 보는 많은 상인들이 있기 때문에 그들은 이전의 한 두 차례에 걸쳐이 수준에서 가격이 거절 당했다는 사실을 알고 있으며 그것은 저항 수준이며 또한 그 약세 반전 촛대 형성을 볼 수 있다고 알려줍니다 ... 그리고 그들이 무엇을하기를 기다리고있을 것 같니?

그들은 판매 주문과 함께 기다리고있을 것입니다 ... 단지 하나의 판매 주문뿐만 아니라 수천 가지의 주문과 일부 작고 큰 주문들도 있습니다. 그러나 동전의 다른면에는 저 가격으로 구입 한 상인이고, 가격이 저항 수준까지 올라가고있는 것이므로, 대부분의 수입 수준이 그렇게됩니다. 따라서 일단 저항 레벨을 중심으로 수익을 올리면 지금은 구매자가 적어지고 판매자가 더 많다는 의미입니다. 밸런스 팁은 판매자의 방향으로 가격이 저항 수준에서 다시 하락하는 방식입니다.

가격 행동은 대중 심리학을 대표하기 때문에 시장은 거래자의 활동에 의해 움직입니다.

따라서 가격 행동 거래는 이러한 패턴을 사용하여 시장의 심리를 이해하고 이로 인해 이익을 창출하는 것입니다.

가격 행동 거래에는 2 가지 유형이 있는데, 100 % 순수 가격 행동 거래와 순전히 가격이 다른 액션 거래입니다. 설명해 드리죠 ...

순수 가격 액션 거래.

순수 가격 액션 거래는 단순히 100 % 가격 액션 거래를 의미합니다. 가격 행동 만 제외하고는 지표가 없습니다.

아니 그렇게 - 순수한 가격 액션 거래.

이것은 가격 행동 거래가 다른 지표와 함께 사용되는 경우이며 이러한 다른 지표는 가격 행동 거래 시스템의 일부를 형성합니다. 이러한 표시기는 이동 평균 또는 확률 적 표시기 및 CCI와 같은 오실레이터와 같은 추세 표시기가 될 수 있습니다. (제발 CCI와 확률 론적 지표를 검색하지 마십시오!)

가격 행동 거래의 기원.

찰스 다우 (Charles Dow)는 기술 분석의 아버지로 인정받는 사람입니다. 그는 DOW 이론을 생각해 냈습니다.

이론은 시장 행동을 설명하고 시장 추세에 초점을 맞추려고합니다. 이론의 한 부분은 시장 가격이 모든 것을 할인한다는 것입니다. 따라서 기술 분석가는 가격 차트와 차트 패턴을 사용하여 시장을 연구하고 실제로 시장을 이동시키는 근본적인 측면을 신경 쓰지 않습니다.

추세가 무엇인지, 이 가격 액션 트레이닝 코스의 제 5 장에서 트렌드가 어떻게 시작 (또는 종료)되는지에 대해 이야기 할 때 조금 나중에 설명하겠습니다.

4 장 : 가격 및 차트.

자, 가격을 조금 더 자세히 공부합시다 ...이 물건은 초보자를위한 것입니다 ... 당신이 알고 있다고 생각한다면이 섹션을 건너 뛰십시오!

가격은 얼마입니까?

가격은 일반적으로 화폐 단위로 특정 계기에 주어지는 가치이며 그 가치는 공급과 수요에 달려있다.

수요가 더 많으면, 더 많은 거래자가 가격을 매수하고 모으기 시작함에 따라 가격이 상승합니다. 가격 차트의 수요 지역은 구매자가 와서 가격을 올리고 구매하기 시작하는 지원 단계입니다. 공급 과잉이 있다면 판매자가 많고 구매자가 적어 가격이 떨어진다. 차트에있는 공급 구역은 판매자가 들어오는 저항 수준과 그 주변에 있으며 구매자가 거의 없다는 이유로 가격을 낮추고 있습니다.

차트를 열 때마다 직장에서의 수요와 공급의 힘입니다.

시장이 올라간다면 그게 수요와 공급에 대해 어떻게 알려줄까요? 그것은 그 악기에 대한 많은 요구가 있음을 의미합니다.

아니면 마케팅이 내려 가고 있다면 수요와 공급에 대해 무엇을 말해 줄까요? 적은 수요와 많은 공급이 있습니다.

하지만 가격에는 뭔가 다른 것이 있습니다 ... 시간 요소가 있습니다.

따라서 오늘의 무언가의 가격은 내일이나 한 달 또는 한 해 같은 것이 아닙니다. 시간이 지남에 따른 수요와 공급은 가격 상승과 하락을 유도합니다.

그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 가격의 가치를 어떻게 표현할 것인가? 그러면 수요와 공급력에 대해 알 수 있습니까?

답 : 가격 표시 막대, 촛대 및 꺾은 선형 차트가 필요합니다. 이것은 시간에 따른 가격의 그래픽 및 시각적 표현으로, 1 개월 또는 1 년까지 최대 1 시간이 될 수있는 특정 기간 동안의 공급 및 수요에 대한 이야기를 말합니다.

가격 차트의 3 가지 주요 유형.

일정 기간 동안의 가격은 3 가지 주요 방법으로 그래픽으로 표현됩니다.

이제이 3 가지 주요 차트를 차례로 살펴 보겠습니다. & # 8230;

막 대형 차트 란 무엇입니까?

아래에 보이는 차트는 막 대형 차트입니다.

그 녹색과 빨간색 물건들은 막대라고합니다. 초록색 막대는 완고한 가격의 막대기로, 종가가 특정 기간 동안의 개시 가격보다 높다는 것을 의미합니다.

그 붉은 막대는 곰 같은 막대기이고 그것은 종가가 그 기간 동안의 개시 가격보다 낮다는 것을 의미합니다.

막대 차트는 양면에 2 개의 짧은 손잡이가있는 막대 또는 막대와 비슷합니다. 왼쪽의 노브는 개시 가격이고 오른쪽의 노브는 종가입니다.

다음 상단과 하단에 심지가 있습니다. 위 끝의 위크의 가장 높은 지점 또는 레벨은 특정 기간 또는 기간 동안 도달 된 최고 가격이고 위 위 아래의 최저 지점은 동일한 기간 또는 기간 중에 도달 된 최저 가격입니다.

촛대 차트 란 무엇입니까?

아래 차트는 촛대 차트의 예입니다. 촛대 차트는 위의 막대 차트와 동일한 정보를 전달하지만 유일한 차이점은 촛대 차트에는 본문이 있고 막대 차트에는 본문이 없다는 것입니다.

촛대 형 차트는 다른 방식으로 배치하는 것이 막 대형 차트의 골격 위에 몸을 두는 것과 같습니다.

막 대형 차트와 촛대 형 차트를 비교하여 동일한 정보를 전달하는 방법을 알아 봅니다.

바 차트와 촛대 차트 사이의 유일한 차이점은 ... 촛대 차트에는 시체가 있고 막대 차트에는 없습니다.

붉은 색은 곰 같은 촛대를 나타 내기 위해 가장 자주 사용됩니다. 이는 가격이 높았고 가격이 낮았 음을 의미합니다. 초록색 촛대는 강세 촛점을 나타내며 그 반대입니다.

선 차트 란 무엇입니까?

아래의 꺾은 선형 차트는 위의 막대 및 촛대 차트와 동일한 가격 정보를 기반으로합니다.

보시다시피, 비록 시간이 지남에 따라 동일한 가격 정보를 전달하지만 모든 것을 밝히지는 않습니다.

꺾은 선형 차트는 거래 차트 중 가장 선호하지 않는 차트 중 하나입니다. 꺾은 선형 차트는 단순히 닫는, 높은 또는 낮은 가격 중 하나를 연결하여 그려지며 차트에 선을 얻는 방법입니다. 꺾은 선형 차트는 "큰 그림"을보고 장기적인 경향을 찾는 데 유용 할 수 있지만 단순히 촛대 차트에 포함 된 정보를 제공 할 수는 없습니다.

이 3 개 중에서 촛대 형 차트가 막대 차트 옆에 가장 인기 있습니다. 여기부터 촛대 차트에만 초점을 맞추 겠지만 촛대 패턴을 나타 내기 위해 단어 막대를 사용하는 것으로 끝낼 수 있습니다.

나는 이것이 가격 행동 거래자들을위한 빵과 버터이기 때문에 촛대 (그리고 촛대 차트)에 대해 더 이야기 할 것이다.


촛대 차트는 일본에서 시작된 것으로 일본 촛대 차트라고도합니다. 촛대 차트의 색상은 특정 기간 동안 가격이 올랐거나 내려 갔는지 여부를 알려줍니다. 즉, 촛대가 강세이거나 약세를 나타냅니다.

이제 대부분의 거래자들은 초록색 촛대를 곰 같은 황색과 빨간색 촛대로 설정하는 것을 선호합니다. 그리고 저는 그것이 저에게 개인적으로 그렇게 길을 좋아합니다.

일부 브로커의 거래 플랫폼에는 촛대의 색상을 원하는 색상으로 변경할 수있는 옵션이 있습니다. 당신이 여자라면, 낙관적 인 촛대를 분홍색으로 바꿀 수 있습니다! 그리고 곰 같은 촛대가 보라색! (나는 핑크색과 보라색 촛대를 본 적이 없다).

아래에 표시된이 촛대는 낙관적 인 촛대의 예입니다.

낙관적 인 촛대는 단순히 가격이 낮아진 것을 의미하며 1 분, 5 분, 1 시간 또는 1 일일 수있는 특정 기간이 지나면 가격이 더 많이 올랐다는 것을 의미합니다. 촛불 시체는 가격이 개시 가격에서 마감 가격으로 이동 한 거리를 나타냅니다. 몸이 길면 길수록 가격이 크게 상승했다. 촛불 몸체가 짧을수록 정반대입니다. 최고 가격은 해당 기간 동안 도달 한 최고 가격입니다. 최저 가격은 해당 기간 동안 도달 한 최저 가격입니다.

아래에 표시된이 촛대들은 모두 오프닝 가격이 종가보다 낮아서 각 촛대가 형성되는 시간대에 전체적인 상승 추세를 반영하는 강세 촛대입니다.

이제 아래에 표시된 촛대는 곰 같은 촛대의 예입니다.

곰 같은 촛대는 단순히 촛대가 높은 가격으로 개방되었고 특정 기간이 지난 후에는 낮아졌다는 것을 의미합니다.

아래에 표시된이 모든 촛대는 곰 같은 촛대이며, 개시 가격이 종가보다 높다는 것을 의미하므로 하락 추세를 반영합니다.

촛대에 대한 구매 압력 및 판매 압력 이해.

낙관적 인 것으로 간주되는 곰 같은 촛대와 곰 같은 촛대로 간주되는 낙관적 인 촛대가 있음을 알고 계셨습니까? 이 개념을 이해하려면 구매 및 판매 압력을 이해해야합니다.

보시다시피, 형성되는 모든 촛대는 황소와 곰 사이의 전투에 대해 이야기합니다. 누가 전쟁을 지배했는지, 결국 승리했는지, 누가 약화시키고 있는지 등등. 당신이 보는 모든 촛대에 반영되어있는 모든 것. 촛대 몸통의 길이와 그림자 (또는 심지)는 당신에게 매매 압력에 관한 이야기를 전합니다.

예를 들어 아래 두 차트를 살펴보십시오.

왼쪽 차트에서 첫 번째 초록 촛대를 보니, 그것은 낙관적 인 촛대입니까? 예. 그러나 당신은 그것이 매우 짧은 몸과 매우 긴 심지 (꼬리)를 가지고 있음을 볼 수 있습니다.

그것은 판매자 (곰)가 지배적 이었다는 것을 알려줍니다. If this candlestick was to form after hitting a resistance level, it will be considered a bearish signal even though it’s a bullish candlestick.

Now, you can apply the same sort of logic to all the other candlesticks above and read the story each one is telling you.

If the upper wick is very long, it simple tells you that there’s a lot of selling pressure. It means price opened and got pushed higher by the buyers but then at the highest price, sellers got in and drove it back down. If the lower wick is long, it tells you that there’s a lot of buying pressure. Sellers drove the price down but buyers got in and drove the price back up. If the lower wick is short, it tells your there’s very minimal buying pressure. If the upper wick is short, it tells you that there’s very minimal selling pressure.

What about the length of the body of candlesticks?

The longer the body of the candle indicates very strong buying or selling pressure. A short body of a candlestick indicates little price movement and therefore less buying or selling pressure.

Sometimes the candles will have no upper or lower shadows but with very long bodies . These are interpreted the same way as standard candlesticks but are an even stronger indication of bullish or negative market sentiment . In the case of bullish candle, prices never decline below the open. In the case of bearish candle, price never trade above the open. 아래 참조 :

Now, so far we have looked at individual candlesticks…what if you combine more than one candlesticks? What does it show you?

Well, one important thing that group of candlestick can show you is how strong or weak a bullish or bearish move is. They can also tell you if the bullish or bearish move is weakening . The word used to describe such a situation is momentum.

The chart below shows 3 bearish candlesticks in a downtrend, each with decreasing length and body lengths.

In a downtrend situation, when you see such happening, it is one signal the that downward trend is weakening.

And if this happens around support levels, you should sit up and take notice and also watch for bullish reversal candlesticks which will give you the confidence to buy!

The following chart below shows you an example of decreasing downward momentum as price nears a support levels.

What you will see is that the prior candlesticks will tend to be longer and as price nears the support level, the candlesticks starts to get shorter:

This next chart below shows 3 bullish candles in an uptrend each with decreasing lengths. In an uptrend, when you see such happening around resistance levels, you should take notice. Also watch for bearish reversal candlestick patterns to form. This will give you the confidence to sell:

Here is an example of a bullish momentum decreasing in an uptrend and then price tumbles right after that :

Notice (on the chart above) how the bullish candlesticks had increasing lengths and then gradually decreased as the price went up then followed by a big downward fall/move?

That’s price momentum. Every time you look at your charts, you need to be aware of such. 매우 중요!

Candlestick Wicks-Why They Are Important.

The wicks of candlesticks along with the body tell a story. A wick which can be called a shadow or tail of a candlestick is a line situated above and below the body of the candlestick.

How are candle wicks (tails/shadows) formed and what do they mean?

Well, they are formed because of a change in market sentiment. For an upper wick, price is moving up and then market perception is changed by traders and then price is pushed down towards the open by sellers. That’s how the upper shadow is formed. For the lower shadow, price is moving down but the market sentiment changes and price is pushed up towards the close buy the bulls. That’s how a lower wick or shadow is formed.

Longer wicks indicate increase change in market sentiment:

What is the Significance of Candlestick Wicks?

Candlestick wicks with long upper shadows commonly occur when an uptrend is losing strength. Long lower shadows occur when the downtrend is losing steam.

Ok, that’t the end of chapter 4 of the price action trading course….now lets head to chapter 5 where you will learn about trends.

Price Action Trading Course CHAPTER 5: TRENDS.

When you have price moving across time due to supply and demand, then this creates trends . This section is a discussion about trends, how they form and how many types of trends and what kind of structure trends have.

It is important for you to understand the structure of trends so you will not depend on any indicator to tell you if the trend is up or down because understanding what a trend is, the structure of a trend, what signals to look to tell you that a new trend may be starting and previous one ending is one key knowledge you require as a price action trader.

And you only need to use price action to tell you if a trend is up, down or sideways.

As I’ve mentioned above, there are 3 types of trends . In simple terms, a trend is when price is either moving up, down or sideways.

So when price is moving up, it’s called an uptrend. When price is moving down, it’s called downtrend. When price is moving sideways, it’s called and sideways.

Now each of these 3 trend types have certain price structure about them that tells you whether the market is in an uptrend, downtrend or sideways trend.

These structures are derived from the Dow Theory. But I will explain it in here briefly.

The Dow Theory Of Trends Summarized.

The theory in simple terms says that:

when price is in an uptrend, prices will be making increasing higher highs and higher lows until a higher low gets intercepted, then that signals the end of the uptrend and the beginning of a downtrend. For downtrend, prices will be making increasing lower highs and lower lows until a lower low is intercepted and that signals an end of the downtrend and a beginning of an uptrend.

Structure of An Uptrend (Bull) Market.

With an uptrend market, prices will be making higher highs (HH) and Higher Lows (HL), see chart below for clarity:

Structure of A Downtrend (Bear) Market.

Prices will be making Lower Highs (LH) and Lower Lows (LL). The chart shown below is a really ideal case, see chart below for clarity:

But you know that in reality, the market is not like that, it’s more like this chart shown below:

The chart above shows an initial downtrend and along the way there is a false uptrend which does not last and price moves down and then eventually another uptrend moves is happening because another lower high has been intersected(which signals end of downtrend).

This is how you use price action to identify trends. You should know this stuff.

Because the market is not perfect when these trends are happening, you should develop the skill to judge when a trend is still intact or when a trend is potentially reversing. And it’s pretty much price intersecting highs or lows.

Structure Of A Sideways/Ranging Market.

For a ranging market, in an ideal scenario, you will see price moving in a range between a support and resistance level like shown below:

But what you see in the real world is not ideal as above, it’s more like this as shown below:


A reversal is a term used to describe when a trend reverses direction. For example, the market has been in an uptrend and when price hits a major resistance level, it reversed and formed a downtrend. That’s what reversal means.

Now where can reversals happen? The following are the major areas where price reversals do happen:

Here’s an example of price reversing form a support level and went up and then later broke it and went down. Now that broken support level acts as resistance level when price came for a re-test of the level and sent the price tumbling down:

Now, what about continuation then?

Well, in simple terms, continuation means that there is a main trend, for example an uptrend, that is happening… and you will notice that price slows down and maybe consolidates for a little while and may fall back down a little…it is like a minor downtrend in a major uptrend move called a downswing in an a major uptrend.

So when that ends and price resumes in the original uptrend direction then that is called a continuation. The chart below makes this concept a bit more clearer:

So the big question is: how to spot trend continuity and execute trades at the right time?

The secret is in identification of specific chart patterns as well as very specific candlesticks patterns and you will discover more on the Chart Patterns and Candlestick Patterns section of this course.

Top 3 reasons why it is so important for you knowing reversal points/levels as well as understanding trend continuity patterns and signals:

You don’t want to be buying near or at a resistance level (which is a reversal point). You don’t want to be selling at near or at a support level (which is a reversal point). You don’t want be buying when the trend is down and you don’t want to be selling when the trend is up that’s why you need to know about continuation charts and candlestick patterns which will allow you to trade with the trend. (There are exceptions though when you can trade against the main trend like that like in trading channels…see Chapter 9 of this price action trading course where it talks about: How To Trade Channels)


Market Price moves in swings . A price swing is when markets moves like what a wave does.

So in an uptrend, price will be making higher highs and higher lows like the figure shown below:

So in an uptrend, price moves in swings like this chart shown below:

And in a downtrend, price will be making lower highs and lower lows:

So in a downtrend, price moves in swings like the chart shown below:

3 Reasons Why It’s So Important For You To Understand Market Price Swings.

If you want to be really good price action trader, you have to understand this concept of how price moves in swings. This is especially true if your style of trading is trend trading or swing trading.

Because if you don’t understand how price moves in swings, this is what you are going to end up doing:

You will execute trades at the very wrong spot! For example, in a downtrend, you will sell when the market is just doing an upswing! Not good! Which means, you will get stopped out or you need to put in a large stop loss. Large stop loss does not necessarily mean large risk if you do position sizing based on the stop loss distance. But if you don’t then that’s a large risk you are taking. If you have a large stop loss, then you’ve got to wait a while before the market makes downswing before you to start seeing profits on your trade.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

It’s really not a good situation to be in. Every traders wish is that “the moment a trade is placed, it goes to profit immediately.” But we know the market is not like that, sometimes that happens, and sometimes it doesn’t.

That’s the nature of the market.

So in an uptrend, you should be looking to buy on the downswing. In a downtrend, you should be looking to sell on an upswing.

And the best way for doing that is by using Price Action (reversal candlesticks) as shown below:

Now, these chart below is what actually happens in real life trading environment:


Nothing is more noticeable on any chart than support and resistance levels. These levels stand out and are so easy for everyone to see! 왜? Because they are so obvious.

As a matter of fact, support and resistance trading is the core of price action trading.

The key to successful price action trading lies in finding effective support and resistance levels on your charts.

Now, in here, I talk about 3 types of support and resistance levels and they are:

The normal horizontal support and resistance levels that you are probably most familiar about. Broken support levels become resistance levels and broken resistance levels become support levels. Dynamic Support and Resistance Levels.

Now, let’s look at each in much more detail.

Horizontal Support and Resistance Levels.

These are fairly easy to spot on your charts. They look like peaks and troughs.

The chart below is an example and shows you to trade them:

How To Find Horizontal Support And Resistance Levels On Your Chart.

If price has been going down for some time and hits a price level and bounces up from there, that’s called a support level. Price goes up, hits a price level or zone where it cannot continue upward any further and then reverses, that’s a resistance level.

So when price heads back to that support or resistance level, you should expect that it will get rejected from that level again. The use of reversal candlestick trading on support and resistance levels becomes very handy in these cases.

Significant Support & 저항 수준.

Not all support and resistance levels are created equal. If you really want to take trades that have high potential for success, you should focus on identifying significant support and resistance levels on your charts.

Significant support and resistance levels are those levels that are formed in the large timeframes like the monthly, weekly and daily charts.

And when price reacts to these levels, they usually tend to move for a very long time.

Here’s an example of NZDUSD that hit a resistance level on the monthly timeframe and made a 1,100 pips move down to the next significant support level and price can now be seen bouncing up from that support level:

Now, here’s the technique I use to trade setups that happen in larger timeframes:

I switch to smaller timeframes like the 4hr & the 1hr, 30min, 15min and even the 5min and wait for a reversal candlestick signal for my trade entries. This is so that I can get in at a much better price level as well as reducing my stop loss distance.

That’s what’s multi-timeframe trading is all about.

Support turned Resistance Level And Resistance Turned Support Level.

Now, the next on is this thing called Support turned Resistance Level And Resistance Turned Support Level.

There are many traders that don’t realize that usually, in a downtrend, when a support level has been broken to the downside, it often tends to act as a resistance level. Here is an example shown on the chart below:

So when you see such happening, you should be looking for bearish reversal candlestick to go short. As a matter of fact these “R’s” are the upswings in a downtrend.

Similarly, in an uptrend you will also see such happening where Resistance levels get broken and when price heads back down to these, they now will act as support levels…Here’s an example:

Look for bullish reversal candlestick around these type of resistance turned support levels as your signal to buy.

Can you see how the need for using other indicators is diminished once you understand how easy is to spot such trading setups like these?


What is a channel? And How Do You Trade A Channel? This section is about that.

The path price follows and the area enclosed within it is called the price channel.

The fundamental principle of how a channel form is based on support and resistance. Why price does that, I don’t know… but consider it as supply and demand at work.

There are 3 major types of channels:

This is what a downtrend channel looks like and how to trade it:

This is what an uptrend channel looks like and shows how you can trade it:

This is what a sideways channel looks like and how you can trade it:

Sideways channels (or horizontal channels) are little bit different from uptrend and downtrend channels because with uptrend and downtrend channels, you would require 2 points to draw trendlines and wait for price to touch them later on before you take a trade because the trend lines are at an angle.

But with sideways/horizontal channels, you can actually start trading the setup at point #2 which can be both a resistance or support level based on the fact that a prior resistance or support level is already visible and you should expect price to bounce from those levels. Look for reversal candlesticks to buy or sell when you see such setups happening.

General Rules For Trading Channels.

If you buy or sell on the other side of the channel, you wait for price to reach the other end of the channel to take profit or exit the trade. Place your stop loss on just outside the channel or just above the high of the candlestick (for a sell order) or just below the low of the candlestick (for a buy order) that touched the channel and shows signs of rejection. This candlestick can also be a reversal candlestick. You may also decide to take half the profits off as price is in the middle of the channel for a profitable trade.


There’s a difference between chart patterns and candlestick patterns . Chart patterns are not candlestick patterns and candlestick patterns are not chart patterns:

Chart patterns are geometric shapes found in the price data that can help a trader understand the price action, as well make predictions about where the price is likely to go. Candlestick patterns on the other hand can involve only one single candlestick or a group of candlestick which have formed one-after-the other in regard to how they form in relation to one another in terms of their body length, opening and closing prices, wicks(or shadows) etc.

Not knowing what chart patterns are forming can be a costly mistake . If you are like that, this is your opportunity to get back on track.

Why costly mistake? Because you are completely unaware of what is forming on the charts and you end up taking a trade that is not in line with what the chart pattern is signalling or telling you!

These are the 9 chart patterns you will learn about today:

Triangle chart patterns-symmetrical, ascending and descending (3 patterns) Head and shoulders and Inverse Head and Shoulders (2 patterns) Double Bottom and Double Top (2 patterns) Tripple Bottom and Tripple Top (2 patterns)

But first up, I am going to talk about triangle chart patterns.

대칭 삼각형.

There are 3 types of triangle chart patterns and the chart below shows the differences between each very clearly:

Now, lets starts with the symmetrical triangle pattern first.

Is A Symmetrical Triangle Bullish Or Bearish Chart Pattern?

The Symmetrical triangle chart pattern is a continuation pattern therefore it can be both a bullish or bearish pattern:

What does this mean then? Well, if you see this pattern in an uptrend, expect a breakout to the upside. See an example below:

If you see a symmetrical triangle pattern form in a downtrend, then expect a breakout of this pattern to the downside like this one shown below:

How To Draw A Symmetrical Triangle.

You will see price moving up and down but this up and down movement is converging to a single point . You need a minimum of 2 peaks and 2 troughs to draw the two trendlines on both sides. It will be only a matter of time before price breaks out of the pattern and either moves up or down.

Two Simple Ways To Trade The Symmetrical Triangle.

#1: Trade the Initial Breakout.

The best way is to confirm that the breakout actually happens with a candlestick before placing your order. What I do I is for example, say I’m watching a symmetrical triangle form in the 4hr charts and I know that soon a breakout will happen. I then switch to the 1hr chart to wait for the breakout to happen. If a 1hr candlestick has broken the triangle and closed below/above it, that’s my trade entry signal. So I will place a pending buy stop/sell stop order to catch the breakout from there.

Often I want to make sure that the 1hr candlestick closes outside of the triangle before I enter a pending buy stop or sell stop order to capture the move that happens to avoid false breakouts while the candlestick has not closed yet.

But here’s the problem with trading triangle breakouts, see chart below:

I don’t like trading breakouts like the one shown above and here’s why:

The stop loss distance is too large. I’d prefer to enter trades with breakout candlesticks that are close to the trend lines that have been broken. I often see that such breakout of extremely long candlesticks are not sustainable and price will often tend to reverse after such candlesticks as can be seen by the chart above …notice that after the breakout candlestick, there was one bearish green pin bar and then for the next 4 candlesticks afterward, the price went down . This is what tends to happened with such long breakout candlesticks. So if you entered a buy order using that long breakout candlestick above, you would have to wait a while for your trade to turn profitable.

#2: Trade the retest of the trendline that is broken.

The second way to enter is to wait for a retest of the broken trendline in the triangle pattern then either buy or sell. This may also be handy if you had an extremely long breakout candlestick on the initial breakout, you best option is to wait for a retest of the breakout trendline then if that happens you enter.

Stop loss Placement Options On Symmetrical Triangle Pattern.

Here are 3 ways on how to place stop loss on triangle patterns, which include symmetrical, ascending and descending triangle patterns which you will learn next. The stop loss placement techniques here are applicable to all triangle patterns so take note of that:

Ascending Triangle Chart Pattern.

And ascending triangle pattern looks like this chart shown below:

And this is how a real chart looks like:

Is Ascending Triangle Pattern Bullish Or Bearish?

It is considered a bullish continuation pattern in an existing uptrend. So when you see this forming in an uptrend, expect a breakout to the upside.

However, it can also be a strong reversal signal (bullish) when you see it form in a downtrend.

Stop Loss Placement Options.

You can use the strategies given in symmetrical triangle.

Take Profit Options.

I prefer to target previous resistance levels as my take profit target.

Or as shown on the chart below, you can use the “x” pips distance as your take profit target. Another way to do it would be say 3 times the “x” pips or 2 times the “x pips” distance. That should give you your profit target level(s).

Descending Triangle Chart Pattern.

Important things to note about the descending triangle chart pattern: The descending triangle chart pattern is characterized by a descending resistance levels and a fairly horizontal support levels converging to a point until a breakout happens to the downside as shown below:

And this is how a descending triangle looks like on a chart shown below:

Is Descending Triangle Pattern Bullish Or Bearish?

It is a bearish chart pattern that forms in a downtrend as a continuation pattern.

However, this pattern can also form as a bearish reversal pattern at the end of an uptrend.

Therefore regardless of where it forms, it’s a bearish chart pattern.

How to Trade The Descending Triangle Formation.

Similar to the other 2 triangle patterns, you can either trade the initial breakout or wait to see if price reverses back to test the broken support level and then sell.

Note: with a triangular pattern, I often prefer to wait for a candlestick to breakout and close outside of the pattern before I enter a trade. This helps to reduce false breakout signals.

But there will be times when I will just trade the breakout with a pending sell stop order just a few pips under the support level to catch the breakout when it happens but when I do that, I sit and watch the close of the 1hr candlestick to make sure that it does not close above the support line (if that happens, it may mean a false breakout).

And then there’s the issues of extremely long breakout candlesticks again like this:

As mentioned previously:

when you have such extremely long breakout candlesticks like that, better to sit and wait to see if price will reverse and get back up to the support level that was broken ( a retest) which will now be acting as a resistance level and then sell when that level is touched.

How To Take Profit.

I prefer to use previous support levels, lows or troughs and use those as my take profit target level.

Another method of take profit that is commonly used is to measure the height of the triangle and if the height is say 100 pips then that is your take profit target. The chart below should give you a clear idea of how it’s done:

Note that on the chart, the descending triangle formed the end of an uptrend.

헤드 & amp; Shoulders Chart Pattern.

The head and shoulder chart pattern is a bearish chart pattern. This is what a head and shoulder reversal pattern looks like:

Important things to note about the head and shoulder pattern:

The head and shoulders pattern is a bearish reversal pattern and when found in an uptrend, it signals the end of the uptrend.

Here’s how this pattern forms:

Eventually, the market begins to slow down after going up for some time and the forces of supply and demand are generally considered in balance. Sellers come in at the highs (left shoulder) and the downside is probed (beginning neckline.) Buyers soon return to the market and ultimately push through to new highs (head.) However, the new highs are quickly turned back and the downside is tested again (continuing neckline.) Tentative buying re-emerges and the market rallies once more, but fails to take out the previous high. (This last top is considered the right shoulder.) Buying dries up and the market tests the downside yet again. Your trendline for this pattern should be drawn from the beginning neckline to the continuing neckline.

Here’s another example:

Here’s another one:

How To Trade The Head & Shoulder Chart Pattern.

The following chart below makes it much clearer.

How To Calculate Profit Targets.

I use previous lows or troughs to set my take profit target. However, you can also use the distance in pips between the neckline and the head as your take profit target level. So if the distance is 100 pips, then if you trade the initial breakout, you set it at 100pips take profit target level like the chart shown below with the two blue lines:

Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern.

You will also see this pattern, though not as popular, it’s good to keep an eye out for it. The inverse head and shoulder pattern is bullish reversal candlestick pattern and just the opposite of head and shoulders pattern.

Here’s what it look like on the chart shown below:

And this is what it looks like on a real chart:

How to Trade the Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern.

You can buy the initial breakout of the neckline or wait for the re-test, that is wait for price to breakout and then come back down to test the broken neckline and then buy. Use bullish reversal candlesticks for trade entry confirmation if you are waiting to buy on re-test.

I often tend to place my profit target on previous highs. One method of calculating profit target is to measure from the head up to the trendline and what the distance in pips is your profit target. See the two blue vertical lines in the chart above.

Double Bottom Chart Pattern.

A double bottom chart pattern is bullish reversal chart pattern and when it forms in an existing downtrend, it signals a possible upward trend.

Here’s what It look like:

This is what a double bottom pattern looks like on a real forex chart:

3 Ways on How To Trade Double Bottoms.

#1: Trade the breakout of the neckline:

Many traders once they see that the double pattern has formed and the neckline is being tested, that’s when they get in as soon as a breakout happens.

#2: Wait to enter on retest of Broken Neckline.

Then there are other groups of traders that like to enter when price reverses back down to touch the neckline, which now would act as a support level. Once it hits that neckline level they buy.

#3: Buy on bottom 2. In this way, you have the potential to ride the trade all the way up if the neckline is intercepted. You should consider buying on bottom 2 as buying on a support level…as a matter of fact, that it what is is! Look for bullish reversal candlestick patterns for trade entry signals.

Take Profit Target levels.

If you buy on bottom 2, you can use the neckline as your take profit level, or any previous highs above that as well. If you buy the breakout of the neckline, use the distance between the bottom and the neckline in pips to calculate your profit target. See chart below for example:

Double Top Chart Pattern.

A double top chart pattern is a bearish reversal chart pattern and when found in an uptrend and once the neckline is broken, that confirms a downtrend. The double tops are very powerful patterns and if you get into a trade at the right time, you stand to make a lot of profits when the breakout happens to the downside .

Here’s an example of a double top Chart Pattern shown below:

How to Trade the Double Top Chart Pattern.

There’s 3 ways to trade the double top chart pattern:

#1: Trade the initial breakout of the neckline.

#2: The technique I like most to take a sell trade on Peak 2 when I see a bearish reversal candlestick. And if price moves down and intersects the neckline and continues to do down further, your profits are dramatically increased.

#3: You can wait for price to go back up to test the broken neckline (which would now act as resistance level) and when you see a bearish reversal candlestick pattern, go short (sell) as this example below shows:

This is how it would look like in a real forex chart:

How to Take Profit On The Double Top Chart Pattern.

Use previous low (support levels) to set take profit targets. Or another option would be to measure the distance between the neckline and the highest peak (the range) and use that difference in pips as take profit target if you are trading the breakout from the neckline.

Triple Bottom.

I do not see triple bottoms forming quite as often…Regardless of that, you should have an idea of what it looks like:

Triple bottoms are bullish reversal chart patterns, which means if found in a downtrend and this pattern starts to form and once the neckline is broken and price head up, this confirms that the trend is up.

Here’s another example of a triple bottom shown below:

How to Trade The Triple Bottoms.

Many traders wait until the neckline is broken and trade the initial breakout. Others will wait for a retest of the broken neckline to enter a buy order once they see a bullish reversal candlestick… I prefer to take trades on the 3rd bottom by watching the price action. If I see a bullish reversal candlestick pattern, I buy. Why do I do that? Well, if price goes up and breaks the neckline and goes upward, I would be in a lot more profit than if I bought the breakout of the neckline.

Profit taking methods would be similar to double bottom chart pattern mentioned previously…

The Triple Top Chart Pattern.

Triple tops are the opposite of triple bottoms and they are bearish chart patterns. They rarely occur but its good to know what they look like.

Triple tops when found in an uptrend, it signals the end of the uptrend when the neckline is broken and price heads down.

How To Trade The Triple Top Chart Pattern.

Some conservative traders wait for the neckline to be broken to trade that breakout. Some will most likely wait for retest of neckline and then sell. I prefer to take trades on Peak 3 and if the trade breaks the neckline and goes all the way down, I have a lot more profit to make. The key to taking a good trade on peak 3 is by looking for bearish reversal candlesticks. These are your signals to go short. If you take a trade at peak 3, you profit target can be the neckline. Or if you take a trade on the breakout of the neckline, measure the distance in pips between the neckline and the highest of the 3 peaks and use that distance to calculate your profit target. Or you can use a previous low and use that as your take profit target level as well.


There are lots of candlesticks, but out of all of them only 9 that you really need to know. 왜? Because there are very popular are really powerful so why waste time with the rest?

When these candlesticks form at support and resistance levels or Fibonacci levels they are great trade entry signals.

#1: The Doji Candlestick Patterns.

The doji candlesticks are single (individual) candlestick patterns. There are 4 types of doji candlesticks as shown below:

The doji cross can be both considered a bullish or bearish signal depending on where it forms. The gravestone doji is considered a bearish reversal candlestick when formed in an uptrend or in a resistance level. The dragonfly doji is considered a bullish candlestick pattern when formed in a downtrend or in a support level. The long-legged doji shows a period of indecision by bulls and bears and depending on where it forms (uptrend/resistance level=bearish signal, downtrend/support level=bullish signal) it can be considered a bearish or bullish signal.

#2: The Engulfing Candlestick Patterns.

The engulfing patterns are 2 candlestick patterns. For a bullish engulfing pattern, you will see that the first candle is bearish followed by the second candle which is very bullish and this 2 nd candle completely engulfs.

Bullish Engulfing-when formed in a support level or in a downtrend, this can signal that the downtrend is potentially ending. Bearish Engulfing-when formed in an uptrend or or in a resistance level, this is a signal that the uptrend may be ending.

#3: Harami Candlestick Patterns.

The harami is a 2 candlestick pattern and can be bullish or bearish.

Bullish Harami - this is a 2 candlestick pattern. The first candlestick is a very bearish candlestick followed by a bullish candle, which is quite short and is completely covered by the shadow of first candle. When you see this in a downtrend or in an area of support, this will be your bullish(buy) signal. Bearish Harami is the exact opposite of bullish harami. When you see this pattern form in a resistance level or in an uptrend, this is a bearish reversal signal and may indicate that the uptrend is ending and you should go short (sell).

The easiest way to remember the harami patterns is to think about a pregnant woman and a baby inside her tummy:

#4: Dark Cloud Cover Candlestick Pattern.

The dark cloud is another bearish reversal candlestick pattern formation consisting of 2 candlesticks. The first one is a bullish candlestick showing a strong upward momentum but when the second candle forms, it shows a completely different story…its bearish and it closes at about the middway point of the first candlestick.

When you see the dark cloud cover candlestick pattern in an uptrend or in level of resistance, it’s a bearish reversal signal and you should be thinking to go short (sell).

#5: Piercing Line Candlestick Pattern.

The piercing line is the opposite of dark cloud cover. You may see this in a downtrend or forming at a support level. The first candlestick is very bearish and when the 2 nd candle forms, it tells a completely different story, it’s bullish. This tells you that the bears are losing steam and that the bulls are gaining strength to potentially move the market price up.

The second bullish candlestick should close somewhere up the mind-point of the first candlestick.

So when you see the piercing line pattern forming at support levels or in a downtrend market, take note as this is a potential bullish reversal signal so you should be thinking of going long (buying).

#6: Shooting Star Candlestick Pattern.

This is one of the most reliable candlesticks and obviously one of the most popular due to the fact that they are so easy to spot on any chart.

The shooting star is single candlestick pattern and when it forms in an uptrend or in a resistance level, then it is considered as a bearish reversal pattern and so you should be looking to sell.

Note: the shooting star is sometimes called the bearish hammer, inverse hammer, inverted hammer or bearish pin bar. They all mean the same and refer to the shooting star candlestick pattern.

#7: Hammer Candlestick Pattern.

The hammer candlestick is a single candlestick pattern pattern and its is considered a bullish reversal candlestick pattern and it’s the opposite of the shooting star candlestick pattern.

It has a very long tail and a short upper wick or none at all.

When it forms in a downtrend or at support levels, you should take note…this is a very high probability bullish reversal candlestick pattern and you should be looking to go long (buy).

#8: Hanging Man Candlestick Pattern.

Now, what happens if you see in an uptrend a candlestick that looks like a hammer? Is it still a bullish signal? Well, in that case , this candlestick is a hanging man and its not a bullish signal. 다음은 그 모습입니다.

Now, the hanging man, is exactly like hammer but the only difference is that it must form in an uptrend.

When it forms in an uptrend or in resistance levels, it tells you that there is a possibility that the uptrend is ending so you should be looking to go short (sell). See chart below:

#9: Railway Track Candlestick Patterns.

The railway track pattern is a 2-candlestick pattern and there’s a bearish and bullish railway track candlestick pattern. A notable feature of railway tracks is that they look like paralled railway tracks …and both candlesticks should be of almost the same lengh and body and almost look like mirror image of each other.

For a bearish railway track, the first candle is bullish followed by almost exactly the same length and body of the second candlestick which is bullish. This tells you that bulls are losing ground and bears have gained controlled.

So when you see the bearish railway track pattern in an uptrend, or in an area of resistance, this is a signal that the downtrend may be starting so you should be looking to sell.

Similarly but opposite is the bullish railway track pattern. When you see this in a downtred or in an area of support, take note because the market may be heading up and this is your signal to buy.

#10: Spinning Top.

Spinning tops can be continuation candlestick patterns or reversal candlestick patterns. Spinning tops have small bodies with upper and lower shadows that exceed the length of the body. 스피닝은 신호 단점을 극복합니다. A spinning top is a single candlestick pattern and it can be both bullish or bearish.

설명하겠습니다. If you see are bearish spinning top in a support area or in a downtrend, this can be considered a bullish reversal signal when the high of tha bearish spinning top is broken to the upside.

Similarly, a bullish spinning stop in a resistance level or in an uptrend can be considered a bearish signal as soon as the low is broken to the downside.

Example below shows what I mean:

Spinning tops are fairly short in length compared to other candlesticks and their body length is a few steps wider than that of doji candlesticks(which actually have none or very tiny bodies).

Another notable feature of spinning tops is that the wicks on both sides should be almost the same length.

When I see spinning tops form on support or resistance levels, all it tells me the bears and bulls do not really know where to push the market and so when a breakout of the low or high of a spinning top by the next candle that forms usually signals the move in that direction of breakout!

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Blending Candlesticks-A Concept Every Trader Needs To Know.

This is a technique where not many traders are aware about and I will just give you a simple example so you understand this concept better.

To give you a bit of context, if you are a forex trader and you are using the metrader4 trading platform, it got only 9 timeframes where your charts can be viewed in which are the 1m, 5min, 15m, 30min, 1hr, 4hr, daily, weekly & monthly timeframes as shown on the chart below:

You may see a hammer in the 1hr timeframe but remember that that 1hr timeframe has two-30minute candles to make 1 hr, right? 예.

So what do you think the candlestick pattern would be in the two-30 minute candlesticks to give you a bullish hammer candlestick pattern in the 1hr timeframe? Or if you see a shooting start bearish candlestick in the 1hr timeframe, what do you think would be the candlestick pattern in the two-30minute candlesticks that gave that 1hr candlestick a shooting star?

Well, your answers are below:

Hope you really understand this concept because here’s why:

In the metatrader4 trading platform, there’s not partner timeframe for 1minute…you need a 2minute chart which does not exist. Similarly, there’s no 10min chart which you can use to blend with the existing 5min timeframe. Similarly, there is no 2hr timeframe to go with 4hr timeframe and no 8hr timeframe to go with the existing 4hr timeframe.

So let’s say you are a trader that loves to trade only hammers and shooting stars and you are waiting buy at a major support line in the 1hr timeframe.

You’ve been waiting patiently for a bullish hammer candlestick pattern to form to give you the signal to buy. But unfortunately, no hammer forms in the 1hr timeframe and even though you see a bullish engulfing pattern formed, you did not enter a buy trade.

You just watched as price shoots up and you wished you could have bought at the bullish engulfing signal that was given but you are only interested in trading hammers.

Well, if there was a 2hr time frame in metrader4, you could have switched to it and seen a very bullish hammer and you could have taken the trade but because you did not understand the concept of blending candlesticks you missed a very good trade.

Here are few more examples:

Notice also that a piercing line pattern when blended forms a hammer.

A Dark cloud cover when blended also forms a shooting star.


Now, I don’t know about you but one thing I continue to see is that price action respects Fibonacci levels…not all the time but when it does, some of the market moves generated can make you money very easily. The trick is to use Fibonacci and combine it with price action by using reversal candlesticks.

But first, if you’ve never heard about Fibonacci retracement tool, then here’s a brief introduction…

What Is The Fibonacci Retracement Tool?

This tool is a series or sequence of numbers identified by a guy called Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13 th Century. (He’s long dead…) No, need to go into pointless details about how those numbers are derived.

So what actually is a Fibonacci Retracement?

In technical analysis Fibonacci retracement is created by taking two extreme points (usually a major peak and trough) on your forex chart and dividing the vertical distance by the key Fibonacci ratios of 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8% and 100%. Once these levels are identified, horizontal lines are drawn and used to identify possible support and resistance levels .

The two fib levels I use the most are the 50% and the 61.8%. I really do not focus at all on the others.

If you are using metetrader4 Trading platform, the Fibonacci tool has an icon as shown on the chart below:

Top 3 Reasons Why You Need A Fibonacci Retracement Tool:

In a downtrend, after price has been going down for some time, it will move back up (upswing…remember?). The Fibonacci retracement tool can help you estimate or predict potential price reversal areas or levels. Similarly, in an uptrend, price will make minor downtrend moves (downswings) and the Fibonacci retracement tool will help you predict potential reversals areas or price levels. If used in conjunction with support and resistance levels and combined with price action, they do really form a powerful combination and do give highly profitable trading signals. This describes something known as “price confluence” . I will talk more on that later.

How to Use the Fibonacci Tool On Metatrader4.

It is actually a very simple 3 step process:

Step1: find a peak (upswing point/resistance level) and a trough (downswing point/support level)

Step2: Click on the Fibonacci tool icon on your chart.

For the next steps, it’s all click and drag process…

Step 3a: In a downtrend market, you click first on the previous peak where you want to analyse from and drag down to the trough where price reversed from and release.

Step 3b: In an uptrend market, click and drag first on the trough up to the peak and release.

That’s how simple it is to draw Fibonacci retracement levels on your charts.

On the chart below notice that price formed a peak and then moved down, found support and formed a trough, and price went back up:

At around the 50% fib level, it starts to slow sign of losing the upward steam. You can also see the bearish spinning top candlestick which could have been used as a signal to go short (sell).

Can you buy or sell just based entirely on the fib numbers like 50% or 61.8% as soon as price reaches these levels without price action?

Well, I think that there are traders out there that do that and you can do that. But personally, I do not like that approach. I’d rather combine Fibonacci with reversal candlesticks, trend lines, support & resistance levels etc for trade entries.

Let’s study the past… here’s an example of how to trade Fibonacci with price action in an uptrend. Notice the spinning top candlestick right at the 50% level which could have been used as a buy signal:

Here’s another example of how to trade Fibonacci with price action in a downtrend:

You can see that this is not complicated, isn’t it? Very simple trade setups. Your risks are small compared to the profits you potentially can make.


When the market is heading down, it forms down swings and up swings as it continually moves lower.

Similarly, when the market is in an uptrend, it will form upswings and downswings as it continues to move up.

The peaks that are formed by the up swings and the troughs that are formed by the down swings can be used to draw trendlines.

And you need a minimum of 2 peaks to draw a downward trendline for a market that is in a downtrend and you need 2 troughs to draw an upward trendline for a market that is in an uptrend.

How To Draw Downtrend Trendlines.

Now, for a market in a downtrend, you can connect the peaks with a line and that forms you downward trendline.

What you are waiting for is for price to come back up and touch that trendline and when it does, this could mean that a down swing will start and it may be the best time to enter a short trade.

The use of bearish reversal candlesticks as trade confirmation is highly recommended with this trading method.

How To Draw Upward Trendlines.

When the the market is in an uptrend, connect 2 troughs and you have an upward trendline. When price comes to touch it later, you have a potential buy setup.

The chart bellows shows a live example of a long trade on AUDNZD pair that I took at the moment whilst I was writing this guide.

As you can see, I was anticipating a move up to the 1.1290 level and used that as my take profit target level. Obviously, this trade was taken based on the setup in the daily timeframe which means it may be a week or two before the profit target is hit if the market makes a nice move up or the opposite can happen , price breaks the trendline and I get stopped out or I can walk away with some profits when my trailing stop gets hit.

But the next day, price broke that upward trendline and I got stopped out with a loss. But here’s the thing with a trade like that… my stop loss is tight , with a potential reward of more than 3 times what I risked for this trade. Here’s the chart of what happened:

I strongly recommend that you use bullish reversal candlesticks as a signal for executing your buy/long trades.

I’m not glamorizing price action trading here. You will have losses like what I’ve shown.

But think about this …if the price had moved the way I analysed, I would have made a lot more profits than what I lost.

With Price action trading, you are risking less with the potential to make more and that’s the beauty of price action trading.

What happens if the trendline gets intersected?

There are a couple of things you need to be aware when a trendline gets intersected:

(1)The first is that it could mean the trend has now changed.

(2)The second is that it can be a false break only and price will soon head back in the original direction.

Now, there’s another thing about trendlines, if one trendline get’s broken, you need to be see if you can draw another trendline above (or below) the one that’s broken. There can be 2 or more downward trendlines or 2 or more upward trendlines at any one time on any chart in any timeframe.

So if price breaks the first trendline, it still has yet to head to the 2 nd and the third etc…

So if you take a sell trade on the first trendline but price intersects it and you are stopped out with a loss and now price is heading to the 2 nd trendline above, you should also look to sell if you get bearish reversal candlestick signal.

Here’s an example of a trade in a similar situation that I took on the AUDUSD pair. See chart below: (enlarge if you cannot see clearly).

You will notice that I took the first trade on the first downward trendline based on a bearish harami and also a spinning top pattern there but then price intersected that trendline and went up to the 2 nd downward trendline.

I saw a shooting star so I took another short trade. Obviously, you can see how the price reacted to the trendline by forming a shooting star. That was enough signal for me to short this pair.

You need to be aware of these kinds of trendlines not only on the sell side buy ton the buy side as well.

I suggest you check out Trendline Trading System for more information on how to trade it.


Remember in the beginning I did briefly mentioned something about Not-So-Pure Price Action Trading?

Well, now we are at it!

When you use price action trading with one other indicator or a combination of indicators which are incorporated into your trading system then that’s what I call Not-So-Pure Price Action Trading. (Call it whatever you like, if you think I’m wrong, I really don’t care).

Many new traders that find it difficult to define the structure of a trending market, therefore they rely on moving averages for trend detection or identification.

The only thing I see useful in moving averages is for dynamic support and resistance levels. I will explain this concept shortly. As a matter of fact moving averages do a terrible job of predicting trends in that they only do that after that trend has already started already and price has moved a great deal already.

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In the chart on the left, notice that price has crossed the HL(higher low) already, indicating that the downtrend market has started (potentially). But notice that the moving averages have not crossed yet.

So price action is telling you that you are now potentially in a downtrend but moving average is saying “not yet”.

So you have two conflicting signals. And by the time moving average confirms what the price action has indicated, price has already made a great deal of move downward already as shown by this chart on the left.

So which are you really going to pick? Depend on moving average to tell you that a trend has changed or depend on price action?

I really can’t force, it’s your choice.

Using Moving Averages For Dynamic Support And Resistance Levels.

The concept of dynamic support and resistance can be fully understood with a few charts given below.

When the market is in a downtrend, you will notice that price moves up to the moving average lines (upswing) and then bounces back down from them (downswing). (That is if you put moving average lines on your charts).

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The similar situation happens in an uptrend: prices move down to the moving average lines (downswing) and then bounces up from them (upswing).

Here’s an example shown on the chart below:

Now that you know this concept of dynamic support and resistance using moving averages, the next thing you need to know is that trend trading strategies can be created around them and in a very nice trending market, they are really effective.

For those that love moving averages, what you can do is to look reversal candlesticks as price starts to go back to touch the moving average lines and these are used as your confirmation signal to buy or sell.

In a downtrend, you should be looking for bearish reversal candlesticks like the shooting star, bearish harami, spinning tops, dark cloud cover, hanging man etc to go short (sell). In an uptrend, you should be looking out for bullish reversal candlestick patterns like pin bars, dojis, piercing line, bullish harami etc…

Let’s study the past again…on the chart below is an example of how to trade dynamic support with Price Action:

Now, it’s easy to say here that “ you could have bought here and sold here” etc based on what happened in the past because now you can see how the market has played out in the past…

But real challenge for many traders is that when a setup is happening, they will most likely second guess it because this is how its going to look:

And this is how how it turned out:

Here’s an example of trading using dynamic resistance levels with price action :


What is confluence ? Well, let’s find out here in this following example…

What if you were watching the market and then you saw that price is heading to a resistance level and then you checked your Fibonacci retracement and it’s almost like a coincidence that the resistance levels is also at 61.8 Fibonacci level as well. And there’s even more…the overall trend is also down.

So you have 3 things lining up for you, here they are again:

the overall trend is down you have a resistance level that price is coming to and you notice that the price is also heading up to the fib level is 61.8 which coincides with the resistance level.

What I’ve described above is an example of confluence . A confluence is a point/level in the market where two or more levels intersect each other (or come together) and they form a flash point or hot point or confluent point.

Here’s An Example Of How I Trade With Confluence.

Let me give a real example of a trade that I took as I was writing this. This is the daily chart for AUDUSD. Have a good and close look at it.

Here’s why I took that trade:

I first drew a downward trendline and was waiting to see if price would come up to touch the trendline. And I also noticed that the previous support level that was broken could potentially act as a resistance level causing price to reverse. Therefore now I have two things coming together. Next thing I did was to check what the fib retracement level to see if price came and hit that resistance level what the ratio would be. Surprisingly, it was 61.8%. 단! So now I have 3 things coming together.

So how did I take the trade then?

I switched to the 1hr timeframe and waited for price to come and hit the confluence zone and saw a shooting star, a bearish reversal Candlestick pattern (also sometimes called a bearish pin bar). That was my clue to execute a short trade right there.

Here’s is a close up of how the trade setup looked like in the 1hr where I was waiting to take the trade(see chart below):

I risked 50 pips for this trade and later I’m going to set the previous swing low as my profit target which is 215 pips and if my profit target gets hits, I will make 7 times what I risked initially.

Good thing as I was stilling writing this guide this trade played out so I can show you what happened: As you can see, I managed to make 138 pips on the first trade. Note also that I also made a 2 nd trade which made 125pips as well. Even though my profit target was not hit, I used trailing stop loss as shown below until I got stopped out when price moved back up.

That’s the beauty about these kinds of trades:

They are really low risk-high reward entry trades. They have great chance of being profitable.

There’s two ways you will learn from price action:

First is to spend hours over your charts analysing what happened in the past and asking these types of questions: Why did price make a big upward move from here and why did price make a big downward move from here? What price action signals that formed there that could have given anybody an indication that this massive move was about to happen? You will be bloody surprised at what type of reversal candlesticks and chart patterns you will find. Then with that knowledge, get back to the present and see if you can see these patterns unfolding in the current market.

Here’s an example of a doji candlestick confluence with the dominant downtrend, as if formed telling you to sell the market with the trend. This short trade setup had 4 factors of confluence supporting it :

The doji had confluence with the dominant downtrend, as it formed telling you to sell the market with the trend. The doji showed a clear indecision by the sellers and the buyers therefore the breakout of the low of doji candlestick was what the sellers were waiting for to push the market down. The doji candlestick also formed between 50-61.8 fibonacci retracement zone. The moving averages providing dynamic resistance.

Here’s another example:

Now, I can put lots of charts giving you examples of what happened in the past…but it’s best that now you see and understand what I am explaining here, and then go and sit down and observe what happens on your charts in real time.

All this information here is providing you the foundation; the basic framework you need to trade price action, the learning comes from observing and doing.


There are 2 main reasons why I use multi-timeframe trading:

For getting better trade entries For reducing stop loss distance so I have better risk:reward ratio which means I can also increase the amount of contracts I trade without risking more of my trading account…so if my trade direction is right, I make a lot more money!

Now, I will explain both in detail…

How To Get Better Trade Entries And So Reduce Your Stop Loss Distance With Multi-Timeframe Analysis And Trading.

If you are trading strictly using the large timeframes like the daily chart, your stop loss distance will be huge and the issue with that is your risk:reward ratio can be reduced (no necessarily all the time):

보상 비율에 대한 보상 위험.

Simply put, investing money into the investment markets has a high degree of risk, and if you’re going to take the risk, the amount of money you stand to gain needs to be big. 당신이 약간 신뢰하는 누군가가 50 달러의 대출을 요구하고 2 주 만에 60 달러를 지불하겠다고 제안한다면, 그럴만한 가치가 없을 수도 있습니다. 그러나 그들이 당신에게 100 달러를 지불하겠다고 제안한다면 어떨까요? 100 달러를 벌 수있는 기회를 얻기 위해 50 달러를 잃을 위험은 매력적일 수 있습니다. So in that case your risk:reward ratio will be 1:2.

But what if you decided that you want to minimize your stop loss distance?

And even though you are trading with a setup in the daily chart, for your trade entry, you are actually switching to the smaller timeframe and watching for a sell signal in the 1hr timeframe?

Well, what I’ve just described is a really good example of multi-timeframe trading to get better trade entries.

Let’s study a chart of what happened in the past to make you understand what I am talking about…

This chart below is a daily chart and shows a triple top pattern in a solid resistance level. Price has been pushed down twice from this level and when the third time it price reaches this level, it was pushed down again.

Now, you can see the bearish harami reversal candlestick pattern and you could have used this as your sell signal by placing a pending sell stop order just a few pips under the low. And placed your stop loss outside of the resistance line as shown on the chart above.

But if you switched to the 1hr chart to wait for trade entry, your stop loss distances would be very small in comparison to the daily timeframe as shown by the chart below(I’ve zoomed in to get in closer):

Now, let’s compare both trades in the daily chart:

Notice that for the 1hr trade entry, it was done almost at the very top and the stop loss distance was very small in comparison to the trade taken in the daily timeframe. Which means that the risk:reward of the 1hr timeframe trade is a lot better than what you would get in the daily.

Now, you can do this with daily timeframe and 4hrs or even down to the 30 and 15 minute timeframes.

Or you can watch trade setups in the 4hr but switch to either the 1hr, 30mins, 15min and 5mins for your trade entries.

I often use the 1hr for my trade entries and can even go down to 5min timeframe for my entries. If you are new trader, stick to 1hr or 4hr timeframe for your trade entries.

So when you trade in the 1hr timeframe (or much smaller timeframe) you can actually trade a lot more contracts without risking more because your stop loss distance are very small compared to the larger timeframe trade.

For example, the stop loss for the 1hr timeframe trade is 20 pips but for the daily timeframe trade is 80 pips. Let’s say that you have a $10,000 account and you risk 2%($200) each trade. If you trade in the daily chart, that stop loss of 80 pips is roughly $800 so to keep your risk at 2% the amount of contracts you will trade will be 0.25.

However If you’ve traded in the 1hr you can be able to trade 1 standard lot.

This simple example explains why I wait patiently for trade setups to happen in the monthly, weekly, daily, 4hr timeframes and then use smaller timeframes to get good trade entries. This is the beauty of multi-timeframe trading using price action.

Let me give one more example of multi-time frame analysis…As I’m writing this book (the date now is 5 th of Dec 2014), I can see that EURJPY has been on an uptrend since July 2012 on the monthly charts and I can also see that there is resistance level at 149.115 which it hit already. This is the monthly chart:

Now, lets zoom in on the daily chart and see what the price action is like on where the arrow is pointing (see chart below):

Ok, I begin to see what’s happening…so obviously, EURJPY has been rejected down on the 149.115 resistance level with the formation of the shooting star (bearish candlestick signal) but now, I can see that its going back up to test that level again.

Two things can happen here:

Price is going to hit the resistance level and head back down ( and I will be waiting for a bearish reversal candlestick there to sell when I see one). Or its going to break it and if it breaks it, there’s a significant resistance level above it you can see on the monthly chart.

Now, let’s go down into the 4hr chart to see what is happening there as well…

So now you can see how I do my multi-timeframe analysis to get down a timeframe where I execute a trade at a very good price level or entry point whilst keeping my stop loss distance tight.

Now, here’ the thing about larger timeframes:

“They cover up trading setups that are happening in smaller timeframes that could be really reliable trading setups.”

But when you switch back and forth between timeframes, you begin to see how you can trade the larger timeframes setups based on the setups that happen in the smaller timeframes.

For this eurjpy setup above, I’m going to be sitting down and watching it to see if I get a bearish reversal candlestick in the 1hr or the 4hr….it’s probably going to happen tonight in maybe 4-8hrs time but the price is getting close to that resistance level. I really don’t like trading breakouts where I see the price has been overextend for a long period of time so even if this one breakouts to the upside, I will not be buying. I will be waiting for a pullback to buy, if that happens.


I hope you have learnt how powerful price action trading can be. Now, not all trading setups you see will become winners.

But here’s the thing…if your losses are small but your profits are large, you will always be in be out in front. That’s why trading risk management is important.

When you are watching the chart for trading setups, you need see and trade the obvious.

그게 무슨 뜻이야?

Well, if there is an obvious pattern on the chart and you can see it clearly, then you should know that there are thousands of traders out there are watching the exact same thing as you are doing…because it’s so obvious .

Trendlines or channels or bullish pin bar forming on major support level, if you can see that, there are many that will be seeing the same thing. All these traders will be waiting to see what happens at these levels and say if a bullish hammer forms on a major support level, then guess what will happen next? The most likely outcome of that is that as soon as the high of the hammer candlestick is broken, price will shoot up!

Trade the obvious!

How many times have you ever went over your chart and you are like:

“Goodness me! I should have taken a trade here and look at how the market moved after that bearish shooting star candlestick was formed after hitting the resistance level.”

When you trade the obvious, then you trade with what everybody else is seeing and in essence you are really doing piggy-back, riding on the market move created by all these orders that puts the odds in your favour.

See chart below for this: if you see a support major support level and price is heading down to it and at the same time, that support level is coinciding with an upward trendline…

이것은 무엇을 의미 하는가? That’s Confluence buddy! And then you see a bullish Piercing line reversal candlestick form right at the area of confluence.

Are you going to be undecided about this price signal and pull up stochastic or CCI indicator to really make sure (give you confidence) you need to buy.

NO need for that…Just Trade the obvious!


Some things I have learnt:

Levels are not lines drawn in concrete, they get broken . You see, the more a level is tested multiple times, sooner or later it will get broken. From my observations, 2-3 times is the average, after that, expect a breakout of the level. Don’t listen to analysts . They can stuff up your decision making process and cloud your judgement. For example: I see a sell setup on my chart but because I’ve read the analysts report that says he is bullish on this currency pair because of this and that reason , I hesitate to pull the trigger . Later, I check the chart and see that If I had sold, I would have made money. So use your own independent judgment based on what you see on your charts. Find your best timeframe to trade . Your personality, work circumstances etc may dictate what timeframe you can use. For me, I can trade from the 4hr, 1hr down the 5 & 1 min charts because I use multi-timeframe trading. Yes, there will be people that will say “You are crazy to be trading in the smaller timeframes like the 5min and 1minute because there’s too much noise in the smaller timeframes.” Yes, I know that…The whole point of me switching to lower timeframes is this: to get better trade entries. You don’t have to do that, that’s my style . That’s what I like. If the bus leaves you, don’t chase the bus! In other words… don’t chase trades. If you are late to get into a trade at an optimal entry point and realized that you might “miss out”, then back off and wait. There will always be another opportunity or wait for a retrace/retest/pullback etc and then enter. Be patient for the right trading setups to form. If you are suffering from losing streaks, take a break . Take a week off from trading to clear up your mind then come back with a clear mind to trade. If you have winning streaks, don’t get overconfident and risk more. You streaks of losses may be just around the corner.

If you’ve enjoyed going through my price action trading course , please don’t forget to share, tweet, like and link to it by clicking those sharing buttons on the left side of this page. 나는 정말로 그것을 고맙게 생각할 것이다. 고맙습니다.

35 응답.

there is no true volume indicator in forex telling you exactly how much volume is going through the forex market at any given time period.

This is because forex is not a centralized market like the share market where true volume information can be seen.

You see, for any forex broker to have a true volume indicator, they would need to have data feeds from every bank in the world that does currency exchange/trading.

The volume indicator you see on your MT4 trading platform does not measure the true volume at all. It simply measures the number of ticks for a given time period.

희망이 귀하의 질문에 대한 답변.

Thanks a lot for the knowledge.

Is it also necessary to you use Volume Analysis in Forex can it help when combines with price action.

dude, this is hands down one of the best blogs, if not the best blog I have ever seen on price action. Thank you so much for your time, efforts and enormous generosity in sharing it for free with the trading world. I like it so much that I have bookmarked it to refer to it again and again as part of my must keep and review again and again trading library. A HUGE thank you to you.

귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.

Don’t forget to share.

I really wanted to try me my psychology management ..

demo and real difference psychology Kahan hahahhaha.

I would like to ask for advice to you ..

for 5 months, I learned a demo account and start to profit consistently ..

I want to start a real account with an initial capital of $ 150, what is approximately lavarage should I use. and how many risks I use.

I had been using lavarage 1: 200 and the risk of 5% of the capital ..

I hope you give advice and risk lavarage what should I use.

you need figure out the answers to those questions yourself.

If you are starting a live trading account with $150, the question needs to be asked: would you be satisfied with a $5 profit each trade? Or even a $1 profit each trade?

If your trading account cannot support the contract sizes that would equate to the type of profits that you’d like to see happening, then the chances are you are going to take a lot of risks on your $150 trading account to “meet that expectation”. and that is something i cannot tell you what you should do. Leverage is totally irrelevant. How much risk per trade is.

Sory my English is bad but THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH.

Thanks for your comment, Ihsan.

Terima kasih telah membuat blog yang sangat sangat saya cari selama ini.

Sudah sekian banyak saya mengunjungi web dan blog forex, tetapi mereka hanya menjelaskan dasar nya saja ..jika kita ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut harus membayar harga yang sangat tinggi ..

Tetapi disini dijelaskan sampai ke akar nya ..sekali lagi terimakasih banyak atas ilmu nya..

Price Action adalah yang terbaik..

Maaf jika komentar saya tidak menggunakan bahasa inggris, itu karena saya tidak begitu faham ..hahahaha.

thanks for commenting.

Using Google Translate:

Thank you for making the blog a very highly I was looking for this.

I’ve visited many web and forex blog, but they only explain its basis only ..If we want to find out more should pay a very high price ..

But here described to her roots ..sekali again thanks so much for his science ..

Price Action is the best ..

I’m sorry if my comments do not use the English language, it is because I do not quite understand ..hahahaha.

Really I would like to thank you for providing such a wonderful Price Action Trading (PAT) course for free of cost. As you rightly pointed out that most of the PAT course in the market covers the same material as yours and you have provided for free. God bless you and helps to change your mindset to have a proper money management. Keep doing your wonderful work. All the very best. 건배.

Thanks for you comment, Venkatesh.

Thanks Rkay. I am waiting for a long time to find a website like yours. Now I found it its feel like heaven. The free training is very helpful for beginnrrs like me. I sm very happy.

What i Like most everything in one Glance single page and you learn what expensive courses will teach and free.

귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.

Hi, this article and the whole blog is a great read. I must say that it is comprehensible.

thanks for visiting.

One of the best blogs i’ve read in a while. feels truly honest.

all the best Ray.

i hope this helps me on my trading ! ? thanks for sharing your story .

I am from India and has been a kind of active trader from last many years. From last couple of years i am into price action trading and finally the account is moving to a positive direction. Though most of the things you shared above , i was already aware of but still learnt few concepts that i think can provide an extra edge to my trading. A VERY BIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND EFFORT FOR PUTTING THIS EXCELLENT MATERIAL IN A SINGLE PAGE THAT TOO IN A VERY DETAILED MANNER !!

As a token of gratitude i am sharing couple of very important and knowledgeable links with you. Please visit them whenever you get a chance –

One of the best trading thread –

A small article on trading –


If you could shed some light of the trading system you are using ( with charts & examples) of what you are talking about, maybe I can give you a proper answer.

With multi-timeframe trading, the lower timeframe does not necessarily have to be in the same direction as the larger timeframe.

If you are using price action, what you are looking for is the ‘SIGNAL” when the lower timeframe starts showing indication that price may potentially start following the trend in the larger timeframe. That’s the time you take a trade with the ancipation that the lower timeframe trend will start turning to follow the main trend in the larger timeframe.

You will notice that:

(1) the main trend was up up on the daily timeframe (the larger timeframe)

(2) switching to lower timeframe, 4hr or 1hr to wait there for sell signals (bearish reversal candlesticks)

Based on this example, you can see that daily trend was up, even the 4hr or 1 hr trend was heading up as well.

But the key to this whole thing was the “trade setup” that was seen many days before it happened.

When analyzing the charts on a daily timeframe is in an uptrend then I switch to a 4hr chart is in downtrend. Should both timeframe be in the same direction before I entry a trade?

hey rkay thank u so much for sharing this! such a useful lesson! i’m a freshman in accounting but interested in trading and this helps a lot.

Thanks for Visiting. Glad you liked it.

Dude thanks so much for putting this up. been trading for 3 months or so doing ok with almost no knowledge other than the trend is your friend and buy low and sale high 🙂 came across an article that said you should learn price action 1st and it will make you a better trader!! just ordered two books on it and they get here tuesday, I will be suspending my trading until i consume that info!! thanks again MT.

Awesome course! 시간 내 줘서 고마워.

glad you like it.

I don’t understand definition of consolidate in forex? what that is mean? what mean consolidate in forex?

Hi Bro Thet Naung Soe,

I got you covered!

This post explains what a consolidation is:

A BIG Thanks to those traders that are clicking the sharing links like facebook share, tweet etc to share this free price action trading course with your fans and friends. MUCH APPRECIATED GUYS AND GIRLS!

Excellent – I have learned so much reading this material. I shall be using it over and over again until it all sinks in to my mind. Thank you so much for such first rate intelligent information that was enjoyable to read.

Comprehensive but easy to digest. All of that for free. Thank you so much for helping people like me that do not have the wherewithal to pay for price action trading lessons. I book marked this page and will spend weeks and months studying your teachings. Once again remain blessed .

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